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The embarrassment of the Tories

(347 Posts)
Whitewavemark2 Fri 26-Apr-19 08:10:54

“It is said that those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad”
This is a quote in a newspaper editorial, which I thought extremely apt.
The editorial is headed
“Britain is being ruled by a party that has lost its political bearings”
Goes on to outline the reckless ill discipline so evident in the government, and in particular the leak over the Huawei decision, which defied two of the fundamental rules of British government -

Collective responsibility and official secrecy.

We can rely on neither of those concepts with this dreadful government.

If a government fails in such fundamentals it has failed completely.

Whitewavemark2 Fri 26-Apr-19 09:53:59

charlie are you suggesting that the Blair government breached he OSA?

varian Fri 26-Apr-19 09:55:03

Sadly because of our undemocratic FPTP voting system very few votes actually count in a GE. Nothing ever changes in so many safe seats and most folk end up with an MP they voted against. A change to PR is long overdue.

Whitewavemark2 Fri 26-Apr-19 09:59:19

varian the EU elections should cheer you

trisher Fri 26-Apr-19 10:04:19

Would anyone care to name the Tories they respect? And are they members of the government? It seems to me that what you have is the ultimate outcome of belief that what matters most is your own career and your personal progress. So you are entitled to do anything which will make you richer or more successful. The concept of caring for others or ideed of any idea of social or collective responsibility and service has been booted out. The Tories were not alone in this development. It probably originated with Tony Blair. The Labour Party at least had the decency to abandon him and his views. All those who condemn the present Labour party should realise that, and look carefully at what sort of a society they envision for the future. The behaviour of the Tories shows the direction we are heading in.

Anniebach Fri 26-Apr-19 10:06:23

Bear in mind a Labour government made the grief stricken people of Aberfan pay part of the costs to have the remaining coal tips, one had children their children, removed .

And the head of the National Coal Board lied in the enquiry , we demanded his sacking but the labour government trapped in the clutches of the unions kept him in his job.

Profumo slept with a nightclub hostess and lied about it in the house, this was worse than what happened to my community ? Rubbish ,

Mycatisahacker Fri 26-Apr-19 10:07:40


Good post. Maybe we are getting the politicians we deserve as people everywhere seem more strident more intolerant and more interested in themselves.

And shouty! David Lammy is just such! everything he says is shouted and divisive and critical as is Farrage.

Anniebach Fri 26-Apr-19 10:08:07

No way would I support a party leader who supports terrorism and is anti semetic, and lies

Mycatisahacker Fri 26-Apr-19 10:11:51


Seriously the only politician I can think of who listens to all sides and is passionate without being offensive is Jess Phillips.

The labour front bench are awful. The Tory front bench are just awful.

I think labour died with John Smith.

The answer to labours woes isn’t Corbyn.

I have no idea where the Tories are going either.

Mycatisahacker Fri 26-Apr-19 10:14:35

I think what they all seem to lack is integrity

trisher Fri 26-Apr-19 10:14:40

Would anyone like to post about why Labour are awful, preferably without regurgitating the opinions of right wing media. Or casting unsubstantiated slurs which may be libellous and are certainly untrue.

Charleygirl5 Fri 26-Apr-19 10:14:41

I could not agree more Anniebach. I have a feeling for the first time in my life I will not be voting if there is a General Election any time soon.

Lily65 Fri 26-Apr-19 10:16:59

Why is it when people comment on " one side" others jump on with their comments on Labour?

It is the stuff of playgrounds. I got it first so its mine. My dad is bigger than your dad. Corbyn is a Marxist.

I think the point is, the Tories have messed up badly. There is a complete lack of decency, morality and integrity across the board which creates a vacuum for people like the odious NF.

Mycatisahacker Fri 26-Apr-19 10:19:08

Incompetent racist Abbott! Incompetent anti Semite terrorist sympathiser Corbyn.

I suppose that’s all a right wing plot too?

Come on they are hideous.

As hideous as the Tories.

If you can’t see how awful both front benches are you must like under a rock

Mycatisahacker Fri 26-Apr-19 10:21:38

the stuff of playgrounds

What an opinion different to yours?

Both front benches are appalling. There’s nothing childish about pointing that out.

I don’t understand slavish affection to any party despite how dreadful both have become.

Grannyrebel27 Fri 26-Apr-19 10:22:33

Worst Tory government ever and that's saying something! They've made us the laughing stock of the world.

Mycatisahacker Fri 26-Apr-19 10:22:58

And I think talking about sides is actually really strange.

Mycatisahacker Fri 26-Apr-19 10:23:41

Couldn’t agree more Grannyrebel27


trisher Fri 26-Apr-19 10:27:45

I've come to the conclusion that the reason most people who call Corbyn stupid names do so because he makes them realise how lacking in morals and ideals their own lives are. The man has won two peace prizes FFS. Mostly because he talks to anyone to establish peace. Incidently if you want a real link with terrorism look no further than Mrs May and the DUP whose leaders are tied very tightly to Loyalist paramilitaries.

Mycatisahacker Fri 26-Apr-19 10:42:37


You are blinkered. He’s not fit in any way to be a labour leader. He’s not competent he has shown he can’t lead. He’s an agitator and my belief is he really never thought he would be leader and doesn’t want to be.

I think he would he terrified to be PM.

I don’t understand slavishly affection though it’s like worshipping a rock star. Understandable In teenagers but baffling in older people.

Mycatisahacker Fri 26-Apr-19 10:44:34

the Tories are exactly the same by the way. Incompetent and equally unpleasant

GracesGranMK3 Fri 26-Apr-19 10:51:49

I cannot believe that this government cannot be evicted. Surely there will come a time when even some of the Tories see that this present set up has to change. Of course, they would have to be putting the country first ...

trisher Fri 26-Apr-19 10:59:19

Mycatisahacker the usual unsubstantiated comments about anyone who posts anything supportive about Corbyn. Why would he receive 2 peace prizes if he had no statesmanship? Talking to people is a vital part of the process. That's what is involved in leadership.
Perhaps he would be "terrified to be PM" but I'm not sure that is necessarily a bad thing. Realising the enormity of the task and the responsibility for other people involved, rather than taking a personal power trip would make a pleasant change.
It so amuses me when people call me a Corbynista or accuse me of worshiping someone. They really don't know what an iconoclast I am.

Whitewavemark2 Fri 26-Apr-19 11:13:53

GG3 bad law by the Tories.

They introduced the Fixed term in 2011, but it was badly done. It was done in too much of a hurry - typically of the Cameron government without much thought, and has made it very difficult to get rid of a government should it be deemed necessary - like the position we find ourselves in now.

GracesGranMK3 Fri 26-Apr-19 11:18:30

Trisher you know what they say (well Socrates said) "“When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.” It's happened for such a long time that I don't think they will stop now. The very first reply did not take time to reply to the OP but did take time to attack Corbyn. You have to ask just how frighten people are that their much loved Tories have reached the end of road. All we can do is ignore it or answer it with information.

So, is Jeremy Corbyn a Marxist, self-confessed or otherwise and does it matter? Why does this worry our right-wing thinking posters I wonder? I would say, if you are going to label people then yes, undoubtedly he is.

He believes in a more egalitarian society; he believes in social democracy; he sees that those crises keep coming – the Great Depression of the 1870s, the same in the 1930s, the stagflation following the 1973 oil crisis, the crisis of 2007, and so on. He’s far from alone in his Marxism in the House of Commons though and probably, though they may use another descriptor, far from alone on here.

So what, exactly is there to worry about that?

Do those who throw this about not believe in the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities?

Do those who keep crying wolf not support economic and social interventions to promote social justice within the framework of a liberal democratic policy and a capitalist economy?

Have those who offer nothing positive but only negative and personal not seen the crisis that roll from decade to decade because of the way capitalism is currently structured. (Lots of different capitalisms remember).

Just what is wrong with someone, anyone, having Marxist principles or just what is wrong with those who seek to use rumour and gossip and undefined name calling, not to make a counter argument but just to try and slur another human being.

Anniebach Fri 26-Apr-19 11:24:49

Corbyn has morals ? He talks to anyone to establish peace?

Refusing an invitation to attend the Holocaust Memorial in Israel because he was too busy.

Refusing to meet victims of IRA terrorists because he was too busy.