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(57 Posts)
Labaik Mon 27-May-19 10:52:20

Can someone please explain to me why some parties are described as 'populist' because it seems to me that it only seems to be applied to rather right wing parties. Shouldn't the Greens and LibDems be described as 'populist' given that they are now gaining lots of votes and seem to be 'popular' at the moment. It surely makes a part seem rather 'jolly'. I know I shouldn't use the 'H' word but that's what I'm thinking so I'll have to but would Hitlers party, before WWI be described as populist? Can I please just have a sensible explanation as I genuinely want to know. Thank you.

Urmstongran Tue 28-May-19 10:07:52

Sneering from the leftists isn’t going to endear their views to ‘populists’ now is it? It just adds fuel to the fire.

MaizieD Tue 28-May-19 10:35:24

I think this thread is attempting an objective discussion of the phenomenon of 'populism'. It isn't personal, Ug. Crying 'victim' just derails it.

Callistemon Tue 28-May-19 12:32:30

Populism can be right wing or left wing - but the question that needs an answer at the moment seems to be "why is populism on the increase in many countries and what can be done to counter it? Is it necessarily a bad thing as it could be sending a message to 'the political elite' who do not listen to the people?"

varian Tue 28-May-19 13:05:20

Fortunately fewer populist politicians than expected were elected to the EU Parliament. Farage's is the largest group and the only one which advocates leaving the EU.

Since our referendum it has been remarkable how staunchly the other EU 27 countries have stood together. Solidarity is strength. The Leave liars said we could pick them off one by one and spun a line about brexit being so wonderful that all the other countries would leave too.

Exactly the opposite is true. EU membership has in the last three years become more and more popular in all the other EU countries as even the populists realise how much value they all get from working together . They all pity the people of the UK still being in danger of leaving. They see us in a chaotic state, suffering from a totally unnecessary self-inflicted wound.

Dinahmo Tue 28-May-19 13:09:23

Dear Nonnie - I don't think you're getting old but maybe you weren't au fait with terminology in the sixties which is when the word gay was first used to describe homosexuals. I can remember during that era there were two pubs in Kensington that had a gay clientele. One, the Coleherne was for the guys in leather ( shades of Village People although they were a bit later) The other was known as the Boltons. That was where the camp guys went. We used to go there occasionally and I remember two things - one the boys who wore pastel coloured dungarees with matching berets (and one had a poodle dyed to match) and the other was that some of them were a loss to women as they were so good looking.

Dinahmo Tue 28-May-19 13:14:06

There is a good explanation of the word populism on Wikipedia, if anybody wants to learn more.