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By Election

(104 Posts)
Anniebach Fri 21-Jun-19 22:21:28

Brecon and Radnor . The Tory MP out.

Be most jnteresting, always been Tory, Labour, Libs. This time Brexit Party too.

POGS Fri 02-Aug-19 14:05:42


"Sheffield Hallam is currently a Labour seat."

Jared O'Mara sits as an Independent as we was kicked out of Labour.

Anniebach Fri 02-Aug-19 14:26:35

I doubt a Tory MP would cross the floor to join the far left.

varian Fri 02-Aug-19 14:46:24

Tory MPs could cross the floor without joining Labour. They could join the Liberal Democrats or sit as independents. What matters is that could no longer be relied upon to support the Tory government.