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Tey are saying that thisis the biggest constituional crisis since WW2

(32 Posts)
Gonegirl Wed 28-Aug-19 14:05:24

But is it?

What about all those smaller wars we have entered into in recent times? With all the loss of (very often innocent) life. All the destabilisation of lives in foreign countries albeit the case that those lives were not completely hunky-dory beforehand?

Is it really all down to world economics. I don't think it should be.

Get our priorities right?

Gonegirl Wed 28-Aug-19 14:06:01

Sorry for my bad typing

EllanVannin Wed 28-Aug-19 14:47:46

It probably is to those who didn't live through WWII, as they haven't a clue---------too young to remember what many of us went through or were actually born when the war was on and the REAL hardships it brought.

They've never lived !!

EllanVannin Wed 28-Aug-19 14:48:45

How utterly inconvenient ( being facetious )

Gonegirl Wed 28-Aug-19 17:07:55

It's very understandable no one has posted on here, apart from EV (whose comments are highly valued of course.

The thread title could have been written by an inebriated schoolboy. Sigh.

growstuff Wed 28-Aug-19 17:13:45

The thread title is about constitutional crisis, not about surviving on powdered eggs (or whatever).

It's the biggest constitutional crisis for over 100 years and it will be years before the country recovers. Many of us alive today won't witness a recovery in terms of values or what we've been brought up to understand as the way our constitutional democracy works.

growstuff Wed 28-Aug-19 17:14:33

What does constitutional crisis have to do with foreign wars?

growstuff Wed 28-Aug-19 17:16:54

If people really have to reference WW2, maybe they should study the politics of 1930s Germany and consider the parallels with what's happening in the UK now.

People lost their lives to prevent it happening, but some numbskulls have caused history to repeat itself.

Gonegirl Wed 28-Aug-19 17:17:20

And that's more important than the loss of life in the wars I mentioned?! Does a constitutional crisis have to be about economics?

Not sure what powdered eggs have to do with it. confused

Gonegirl Wed 28-Aug-19 17:18:19

This is nothing like the rise of Nazism.

Gonegirl Wed 28-Aug-19 17:19:24

I wasn't referencing WW2. Read the OP.

Gonegirl Wed 28-Aug-19 17:21:33

I hate this leaving of the EU, but it can't be bad as our decisions to upset applecarts in other countries, the way we have in the recent past.

We can survive Brexit. Some things were not survivable for some.

Gonegirl Wed 28-Aug-19 17:21:47

Got it yet?

MaizieD Wed 28-Aug-19 17:23:56

None of the wars mentioned entailed a constitutional crisis. They may have been 'crises', but they were 'run' by constitutionally 'correct' governments. So while the thread title is accurate, the content of the OP is meaningless.

Gonegirl Wed 28-Aug-19 17:29:48

Ok. So maybe I chose the wrong term.

But there seems to be more outrage over all things Brexit than there ever was over the aforementioned.

This is not the worst thing that has happened to this country since WW2.

Gonegirl Wed 28-Aug-19 17:30:24

Nobody will die because of this.

aggie Wed 28-Aug-19 17:47:01

Maybe they will if their Medicines are unobtaiable

MaizieD Wed 28-Aug-19 18:59:30

But there seems to be more outrage over all things Brexit than there ever was over the aforementioned.

In WW1 & WW2 the country was 'all in it together'

With Brexit, it isn't. It's very deeply divided.

I'm sorry if you can't see the difference, Gonegirl.

varian Wed 28-Aug-19 19:03:50

We never voted to be at war. We ended up at war in circumstances we could not avoid.

We never voted for a catastrophic no-deal brexit either - which should never be allowed to happen.

No nation would ever knowingly vote to be so much worse off in every way for a generation or more unless a large chunk of the population had gone mad - or been brainwashed for years by malign foreign forces with their own agenda - who do not have the interests of that nation at hear/.

Gonegirl Wed 28-Aug-19 19:08:36

Well, we are all in it together now. It's definitely going to happen.

growstuff Wed 28-Aug-19 19:11:36

Do you understand what a constitutional crisis is? It doesn't appear so.

growstuff Wed 28-Aug-19 19:12:25

And, no, Growgirl, we're not all in it together by any means.

varian Wed 28-Aug-19 19:18:24

I take some small comfort when I see someone confidently stating "It;s definitely going to happen" in the memory of similar certainties being boasted about 29th March and some other date in April when it didn't happen.

Nothing is ceratin.

maddyone Wed 28-Aug-19 19:18:54

Totally agree with you Gonegirl.

Taking us into an illegal war and telling lies in Parliament strike me as more serious.

Gonegirl Wed 28-Aug-19 19:25:44

I think I can get my head round it growstuff.

Why are you combining our names?