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Morals and standards of public behaviour

(87 Posts)
Nonnie Fri 11-Oct-19 13:44:19

Amagran Fri 11-Oct-19 12:39:47 I totally agree.

pinkquartz Fri 11-Oct-19 12:44:07 although I agree is it not reasonable to expect better of our politicians, especially senior ones?

Iam64 Fri 11-Oct-19 13:38:02

Jane10 I - 24 hour news does mean we get information quickly but, I can't imagine something like the action of Trump in military disengagement would have simply been tweeted in the early hours. Such decisions should only be made in full discussion with allies, the presidents own advisors and military. It's shocking that he's created a situation where Turkey can attack this region.
There are , I read 70,000 Daesh prisoners who can more easily escape as a result of this. Trump's response was to say it didn't matter because these jihadis would go to Europe not the USA.
He is simply beyond understanding.

His actions have further destabilised the whole region. You can't get involved, then just leave with no plan.

pinkquartz Fri 11-Oct-19 12:48:30

oops buttong pressed too soon.

Ford was not a good employer...Marks and Spencer and Cadburys were. Just two examples but in the US business was always more cutthroat and here we had Quakers and others that tried to improve the lives of their workers....

Now the US dominate globally......

pinkquartz Fri 11-Oct-19 12:46:34

I meant to add that the world is a smaller place these days and we are all influenced by more people from different backgrounds, cultures, religions etc...we are not as homogeneous as before.
Business show this a lot in the UK...ones now owned by US global companies and their attitude to their workers and customers is Pi** poor!

pinkquartz Fri 11-Oct-19 12:44:07

People do have different morals.
we think all people have the same but they don't.
Clearly people like Johnson and Trump think they are above ordinary people and do not have to live by our confines on behaviour.
Also different cultures will evaluate differently.
In the UK we are very black and white with good and bad which I like......but when I used to travel I discovered that in some places all that counts is getting away with it.......
Trump and Johnson are very much their male ego. They like upsetting us.
It makes them feel more powerful than us.
Sadly they are more powerful than us.

Amagran Fri 11-Oct-19 12:39:47

What is so worrying about the appalling behaviour of senior politicians like our PM and Trump, and the apparent acceptance of it by their senior colleagues, is that it normalises such behaviour so that people come to think that lying, immorality and a bullying culture is acceptable not just in public office but anywhere else in the workplace and beyond.

Toxic means do not justify ends. I would happily watch my own political preferences defeated if it took us off this very slippery slope.

Gonegirl Fri 11-Oct-19 12:30:59

I agree about Trump.

I think Boris has been desperately trying to find a way for us to leave the EU, as per the outcome of the referendum, without leaving the UK economy completely in tatters.

Can't see the comparison between the two politicians myself.

gagsville Fri 11-Oct-19 12:29:46

I agree with all the above and there seem to be no boundaries for moral behaviour anymore. With social media in general, you can say anything about anyone however awful and before it is taken down as lies or old news; the damage is already done. How and who can begin to put this right?

Jane10 Fri 11-Oct-19 12:24:29

I suppose such bad/stupid stuff happened in the past but we never heard about it. No immediate info simultaneously from all sides via the Internet. Strictly edited info might make its way into public knowledge but otherwise even soldiers letters home were censored.

Riverwalk Fri 11-Oct-19 12:17:30

Other than elections, there is very little that anyone can do!

Trump has so pushed, and broken, the boundaries of normal civilised behaviour, never mind that of the president of the US, anything now goes or just shrugged-off.

It's astounding what we've come to accept!

Trump swears black is white - just as Boris Johnson did when confronted in Whipps Cross hospital with his "there's no press here".

Nonnie Fri 11-Oct-19 12:15:16

I agree. I find it so hard to accept the change in behaviour as so many of our politicians rant or babble all the time. Regardless of what they are talking about why can't they be pleasant and factual without all the shouting or abuse? I was listening to Leo Varadker the other day and he just spoke normally not a rant to be heard. I am not talking about what he said jut the way he said it.

GillT57 Fri 11-Oct-19 11:49:50

Over the past few days, the world has watched, generally appalled, as Trump has withdrawn troops from Kurdish areas and basically condemned thousands of people to terror, warfare, bombing, destruction. Over the past few months, we here have watched a PM tell lies, a cabinet go back on previous assurances etc., etc., Leaving aside, if we can, what side of the Brexit argument we are on, surely I cannot be the only one frightened, disgusted, ashamed of those who have been elected to represent the people in USA and GB? Why is no-one able or prepared to call these people out, confront them with their lies or the effects of their appalling acts?