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Well done Lawrence Fox!

(737 Posts)
Ngaio1 Fri 17-Jan-20 17:10:05

What a truth! Racist remarks are racist what ever your colour!

Opal Fri 17-Jan-20 21:31:52

If someone indicated that I was white and privileged and therefore racist, I'd interrupt them, contradict them and probably bang my head on the table too! Her comments WERE racist, she is mis-judging him for being white, in just the same way as certain black people may claim they are mis-judged for being black. There is no difference, racism is racism in any form and from either "side" of the colour divide. Good on LF for calling her out on it, why should he tolerate her prejudice anymore than anyone else?

Opal Fri 17-Jan-20 21:36:21

And whilst I think of it, typical of Chakrabarti for questioning LF when he didn't name one of the women candidates as his preference for the next leader of the Labour party. Surely everyone is entitled to their opinion? Maybe LF thinks Starmer is the best candidate because of his policies, and not because of his gender?

Doodledog Fri 17-Jan-20 21:37:48

But he didn't give her the chance to make her point. She started saying something, he interrupted, she pointed out that as a white man he couldn't know how a black woman would feel, he interrupted again, and we never did hear what she wanted to say.

I give up.

Kalu Fri 17-Jan-20 21:38:12

I am not in the habit of giving an opinion on something I have not witnessed, nor did I require your link thank you Doodledog

We obviously have differing opinions regarding ours views on what we took from the interaction between LF and the lady in the audience.

I completely understood why he was so exasperated and banged his head down and that’s where it stands.

Doodledog Fri 17-Jan-20 21:38:38

Agreed about his opinion on Starmer - that is up to him and gender is irrelevant. We cross posted.

Doodledog Fri 17-Jan-20 21:40:00

Well, if you say that's how it stands, there's an end to the matter. grin.

Doodledog Fri 17-Jan-20 21:40:39

Sorry - last comment was to Kalu, and the previous to Opal.

Kalu Fri 17-Jan-20 21:40:50

Please don’t ‘give up’ on my account.

Conversation allows for differing opinions No?

Kalu Fri 17-Jan-20 21:42:58

Well said Opal

lemongrove Fri 17-Jan-20 22:14:54

Liking or disliking Laurence Fox is not the issue, he has as much right as anyone else on the show to comment, he was invited onto the show to comment!
The woman in the audience wasn’t just a random person with a question.Look it up.
Well said Baggs ??

Jane43 Fri 17-Jan-20 22:26:16

Yes LF did have a bad attitude but his points were valid, it’s a shame he didn’t make them in the best way. The woman in the audience had an equally bad attitude and so did Baroness Chakrabati, every time I see her she seems to have a permanent scowl and a huge chip on her shoulder if people don’t share her opinions.

Dinahmo Sat 18-Jan-20 09:12:59

I don't think that people are opposed to MM because she is mixed race. I remember when she first appeared on the scene peoples' reactions were generally favourable, for a number of reasons. I think that she/they have attracted a bad press because of they say one thing (ie about travel) and do the opposite. I remember seeing some footage of her sitting next to the Queen and chatting to her. She was laughing and the Queen was smiling and I thought how happy the Queen looked.

Racism is sometimes difficult to understand. We lived in Brixton during the riots in a mixed race road. In the aftermath, walking home from work I passed teenagers sitting on a wall and I wasn't sure what to do. I didn't know them, or their parents but I wondered whether to say hello. It wouldn't have occurred to me had they been white. Was I being racist? I don't know.

Our neighbour at the time was black and we got on well with him and his family. The cultural differences were mainly to do with gardens. Our back garden was paved with large borders. His was beaten earth with some chickens and he grew veggies. In the front garden we had a honeysuckle growing up the wall and along the side and front fences. One day I looked out and he was slicing through the growth vertically with a machete and this cut through the lateral stems. I asked him not to do it on that fashion and explained why. Where he originated they had rain every day and the undergrowth went berserk and it was attacked with a machete.

After the rioting his attitude towards us changed and he was quite suspicious until we mentioned how badly the police had been behaving in Brixton at that time. After that conversation normal relations resumed.

Apologies for going slightly off piste.

GrannyGravy13 Sat 18-Jan-20 09:43:19

The women allegedly works for the BBC it’s all over “twitter”

Iam64 Sat 18-Jan-20 09:59:10

I saw a clip of this and heard some re-played on the radio. No surprises but I'm absolutely with Doodledog, trisher and others on seeing Fox as a middle aged, middle class man who grew up in a very privileged environment. He came over (not for the first time) as a man in denial of the benefits that come automatically to men born into a life like his. Sense of overwhelming entitlement .

Anniebach Sat 18-Jan-20 10:14:34

Very confusing, what makes him unable to understand racism

His schooling, his family, his money , he is white ?

If all these how can Harry speak of racism?

Oopsminty Sat 18-Jan-20 10:22:48

Good point, Anniebach

Galaxy Sat 18-Jan-20 10:27:51

Question time really needs to be put out of its misery, its just awful these days.

suziewoozie Sat 18-Jan-20 10:33:57

Being white

wicklowwinnie Sat 18-Jan-20 10:34:06

Good for Lawrence Fox. I do hope a lot more people will start to speak out about this PC nonsense. This country seems to be getting so narrowminded and bigoted.

suziewoozie Sat 18-Jan-20 10:34:16

Oh and quite stupid

Baggs Sat 18-Jan-20 10:38:38

Is saying "It's not racism" over and over making a valid point?

Yes, if that's his opinion.

I think there are quite a lot of people who don't think it is because of racism that Meghan wants to live in Canada again. There are quite a lot of people who think racism might have something to do with it but it's not the whole story. And there are those who think racism is the cause of all evil and that all even mildly right-wing people are racist bastards.

The woman in the audience was being racist towards LF. Why? Because the definition of racism is judging someone because of the colour of their skin. Think Martin Luther King if you're doubtful of that.

Or, tell me what you think the definition is nowadays.

Anniebach Sat 18-Jan-20 10:39:19

suzie are you saying’being white’ makes him unable to understand racism ?

suziewoozie Sat 18-Jan-20 10:41:36

Baggs the woman in the audience did not call him a racist. She said his perspective was informed by his position of white privilege. What’s not true about that? My view of sexism is informed by the fact I’m a woman.

suziewoozie Sat 18-Jan-20 10:41:59


Baggs Sat 18-Jan-20 10:42:02

It's simply not true that people who aren't white cannot be racist. That's not to say most are, but some are, just as some white people are, but in both cases it's a minority.

If no-one had mentioned Meghan's parentage I wouldn't have noticed she is 'technically' black. She's also technically white. I actually don't care and I don't think most other people do either.