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Conservative party internal investigation into racism

(93 Posts)
PECS Sun 01-Nov-20 16:13:28

About 500 days ago BJ promised an investigation into accusations of anti Islamic behavious and attitues.. Have I missed the publication of the report?

Iam64 Mon 02-Nov-20 19:46:40

biba70 - that really is a ridiculous and offensive response to sparklingsilver's post at 16.30 today.

You're accusing my Jewish colleagues and friends who were born, live and work here of being responsible for the actions of the current Israeli government. Disgusting.

tickingbird Mon 02-Nov-20 17:29:09

biba70 - Palestine???

What a ridiculous comment and typical of the anti semitism in the labour party.

No different to me posting ‘Isis’ in response to a post from someone on anti muslim behaviour.

You really don’t get it do you?

maddyone Mon 02-Nov-20 16:49:34

How does anyone know which types of cartoons the French teacher used in his lesson or lessons? Did anyone see the lesson plan? Or indeed the entire scheme of work planned for the term or year, which may have included much more work on this subject covering all religions? How does anyone know? As far as I’m aware we’ve only been told about the Islamic cartoons, but we’ve not been told about the lesson plan or scheme of work.
I’m interested to know because I haven’t seen anything about it, but perhaps others have.

biba70 Mon 02-Nov-20 16:34:30

Message deleted by Gransnet. Here's a link to our Talk Guidelines.

sparklingsilver28 Mon 02-Nov-20 16:30:11

Tickingbird also endorse. There have been dreadful atrocities worldwide in the name of Islam and while in a minority so horrific as to determine adverse attitudes.

On the other hand Jews, throughout their presence in Britain since the 12th century, have quietly followed their cultural and religious life without adversely affecting those of the host country. In fact, the Jewish Community an example of cultural values whose influence an exemplifying example of the best humanity has to offer.

biba70 Mon 02-Nov-20 11:57:50

I do think us, hte public, should ensure that we ask for it, and make very sure they are aware that we have NOT forgotten. Press? MPs? Question Time?

Callistemon Mon 02-Nov-20 10:22:31

So - does anyone know if the enquiry is on temporary hold with everything that is going on or not? Or quietly forgotten?

Perhaps now that EHRC have reported on the LP they will change their minds and decide to take this one over if no progress has been made.

biba70 Mon 02-Nov-20 10:04:24

We are not talking about racism here David, but Islamophobia- two very different things.

Davidhs Mon 02-Nov-20 07:36:01

It is simply not true that right wing Tories are racist, it doesn’t matter what colour you are, if you are lower class - a servant, you are nothing.

They treat underlings like dirt, their public face all smiley, the opposite when they let their guard down in private. Priti Patel is a good example, the men are just as bad

Whitewavemark2 Mon 02-Nov-20 07:34:52


I haven’t ‘heard’ ( on the grapevine or otherwise) anything about it .....even that there was an inquiry/ investigation.


lemongrove Mon 02-Nov-20 07:33:48

I haven’t ‘heard’ ( on the grapevine or otherwise) anything about it .....even that there was an inquiry/ investigation.

Whitewavemark2 Mon 02-Nov-20 07:20:00


The thing is WW that is simply your opinion, the answer to Callistemon’s question is that we don’t know why it has been put ( if indeed it has been) on the back burner.
It seems logical that with the Brexit trade negotiations going on and Covid ramping up, that all time consuming inquiries are put on hold......but yes, that’s just another opinion as well.

Do you know that it is still a live issue then?

I heard quite the opposite and that it is being buried.

As I said very good at hiding dirty linen if all sorts.

lemongrove Mon 02-Nov-20 07:11:27

The thing is WW that is simply your opinion, the answer to Callistemon’s question is that we don’t know why it has been put ( if indeed it has been) on the back burner.
It seems logical that with the Brexit trade negotiations going on and Covid ramping up, that all time consuming inquiries are put on hold......but yes, that’s just another opinion as well.

Whitewavemark2 Mon 02-Nov-20 05:40:25



The investigation has been shelved.

Is that because other circumstances have taken over and that is just temporary?

I very much doubt it. I suspect it will be shelved until they are forced by law to investigate all the many complaints.

Tories are very good at hiding their dirty linen.

Deny always deny.

Callistemon Sun 01-Nov-20 23:45:50


The investigation has been shelved.

Is that because other circumstances have taken over and that is just temporary?

biba70 Sun 01-Nov-20 22:56:01

This- exactly.

PECS Sun 01-Nov-20 22:29:59

I am not minimising anti-Semitism & am very aware of hideous behaviours & attitudes towards Jewish people/ groups & have stood side by side with friends to oppose anti Semitism. I just see it as unacceptable as any other form of racism.

lemongrove Sun 01-Nov-20 22:09:00

Well said ??????

PECS Sun 01-Nov-20 21:56:42

oops my 'cutting & pasting' cut out the phrase ' is justified '

PECS Sun 01-Nov-20 21:54:36

I think that my opinion that, generally, people don't care about racism towards Muslims.
The atrocities in France are not a reason to justify or ignore acts of racism.

tickingbird Sun 01-Nov-20 21:49:54

It feels as if their is an unwritten racism hierarchy with Anti semitism at the top but anti Islamic attitudes lower

When there’s a police presence outside of every mosque during prayers. When muslim children have to have a police escort to school, then anti muslim attitudes will be on a par with anti semitism. The hatred and anti semitism in this country is very much brushed under the carpet. Attacks on Jews and Jewish businesses here and especially in France is on the rise. It’s not even about religion per se. A Jew is still a Jew whether they practice the faith or not. Many Jews have Anglicised names; changed to avoid persecution.

Jews don’t resort to slitting peoples’ throats and blowing up arenas full of young kids at a pop concert because they feel aggrieved.

As for anti muslim attitudes in the conservative party I really don’t know. I’ll await the report but there’s definitely been plenty of egregious anti semitism within the LP from the top down.

biba70 Sun 01-Nov-20 20:25:41

The 'you' was not for anyone in particular- anyone who denies that Islamophobia is very much alive in the Conservative Party. I imagine that once the report pointed clearly to the facts- they just chose to ditch it.

Iam64 Sun 01-Nov-20 20:18:50

Biba, are you referring to me when you say "I hope you will read the article linked to by Varian - the evidence is al there for all to see. But of course , not for those who don't even want to",
I do hope not. I live in a former mill town in the north west. We have a large population of people with Pakistani (Muslim) and a smaller group of Indian (Hindu) backgrounds. They started to arrive in the 1950's to work in the cotton mills. Our town has been fortunate in avoiding the race riots that some neighbouring towns faced. Our local council reflects the ethnic make up of the town. We have one MP who is of Pakistani Muslim heritage.
I read the article posted by varian when it was first published in 2019. I've heard Sayeeda Warsi interviewed on this subject.
It's the Conservative party who need a lecture.

PECS Sun 01-Nov-20 20:15:09

It feels as if their is an unwritten racism hierarchy with Anti semitism at the top but anti Islamic attitudes lower & being tolerated. BLM has , for a certain group, meant anti black racism is not as bad because black people dared to express their opinions forcefully...

The generalisation, homogenization & stereotying of BAME communities is always wrong. No group is perfect and untouchable but neither are they all bad / clever/ terrorists/ good at maths etc etc. Until people are seen as people first & " judged" by their individual actions and attitudes second racism thrives.

biba70 Sun 01-Nov-20 19:36:14

I hope you will read the article linked to by Varian- the evidence is all there for all to see. But of course, not for those who don't even want to.