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I do wonder- is this what the Brexiters wanted?

(571 Posts)
Kali2 Tue 11-May-21 13:24:02

Free Movement of people agreed with India in exchange for Deal?

Kali2 Thu 10-Jun-21 14:08:47


Sorry Kali2 you say no one knows but you know that disscussions with The Eu and USA will fail. So someone does know.

Yes, the discussions about not adhering to the Deal and Treaty we have signed up to, will fail As so many of you say- it is done, over- get on with it. No re-negotiating now.

Callistemon Thu 10-Jun-21 16:11:41


All sources point to how so many sectors are being utterly destroyed currently- not necessarily by Brexit per say, but by this Brexit and this PM and his ERG entourage and agenda.

Please do reveal the sources that state the positives for

financial sector

just for starters.

I think much of our fishing industry was, in the main, destroyed well before Brexit.
Whether or not what is negotiated is enough to save it is a moot point.

Welshwife Thu 10-Jun-21 16:41:25

There are lots of fishermen who would disagree with you there. Big trawlers are not so prolific as they used to be and I am sure that is a relief to the families of the men who manned the boats, but there are a lot of small fishing boats working near the coast in places such as Cornwall and Scotland who have been making a very good living from catching specific species such as lobster and crab and send it immediately to the EU for good prices.
This trade has more or less dried up not through lack of customers but the time now taken with paperwork before the cargo can be shipped. In some places the fishermen have been able to once again sell their catch to more local markets and good for them - I hope it continues.
The industry has changed a great deal and so far the govt. have not stopped fast deliveries getting to British retailers etc but that was announced as a temporary measure to help keep the food supplies moving and not having empty shelves in the supermarkets etc.

Callistemon Thu 10-Jun-21 16:56:57

I do know a fair bit about it.

The decline started years ago and those businesses associated with it, eg marine engineering firms who maintained the boats, were left without much work either and forced to look elsewhere or give up.

Kali2 Thu 10-Jun-21 17:02:00

Agreded, this is clear. But it has got a lot worse since Brexit, no?

MaizieD Thu 10-Jun-21 18:22:22

But they were promised that Brexit would bring huge improvements to the fishing industry. That it would stem the decline.

Callistemon Thu 10-Jun-21 18:24:20


Agreded, this is clear. But it has got a lot worse since Brexit, no?

Will we know? There are few left compared to 20 years ago

Callistemon Thu 10-Jun-21 18:24:39


But they were promised that Brexit would bring huge improvements to the fishing industry. That it would stem the decline.

It may, we can only hope.

Whitewavemark2 Thu 17-Jun-21 15:40:31

So the fruit and veg farmers are desperate for pickers etc and have called for the emigration law to be changed, now the FT are saying that meat farmers have been told that the meat production companies can no longer cope through lack of staff.

Kali2 Thu 17-Jun-21 15:52:43

To cut a long story short, and back to the title.

No, I don't wonder anymore. Even the most extreme Brexiters must know by now that it is all turning into a massive disaster - project fear turning into project reality on speed.

Some have had the courage to admit this- others just can't bring themselves to do so. Some will eventually when it hits them and their loved ones directly...

MerylStreep Thu 17-Jun-21 16:22:00

Here’s some fresh meat for you all to chew on.

Whitewavemark2 Thu 17-Jun-21 16:26:11

Would that be the “punishment” tariffs that Trump imposed because of the airbus?

Not sure why Truss is stood there - nothing to do with her effort.

Whitewavemark2 Fri 18-Jun-21 08:55:45

HMRC have released figures showing that export of food and drink fell by 2bn in the first 3 months.

This is not teething problems but structural.
Dairy products in particular are down by 90%?, but there are serious loses across the board.

This is a disaster

Kali2 Fri 18-Jun-21 09:18:59

But some will still say the 'knew exactly what they were voting for'.

Now I get it- for some it was a 'just want out of EU'. I disagree, but that was clear. But how many would have voted for 'out- even if it destroys fishing, agriculture, financial services, huge sectors of our internationally linked industry, exports, imports, and so much more.

Would people really have voted for 'OUT at all costs, any costs'. I am sure some would, some here on GN too- but I do believe they would have been a very small minority.

NotSpaghetti Fri 18-Jun-21 13:29:21

BTW, I've just done a search on Gransnet for "Neanderthal" and from this search there seems to be nothing on any threads to do with Brexit.
There's use of the word in relation to new technology, new theories of where we came from etc.

Just saying.

NotSpaghetti Fri 18-Jun-21 13:35:27

In my opinion, quite a few wanted "out at any costs" Kali2

I accept that more easily than trying to justify it on other grounds to be honest.
If people wanted out because that "felt" right, fair enough.
I just have to accept that.

I regret that we have voted out. I think of it in some way or another most days as I feel small impacts on my life or hear about the effects on others. But, "feeling things will be better if we are out" is still valid in my book.

Dinahmo Fri 18-Jun-21 13:57:39

Wetherspoons staff have been complaining about their working conditions and boss Tim Martin told them they could go and work at Tescos. Apparently many of them have. So now Mr Martin is complaining that he can't find staff.

Tescos are having to dump fresh food because there aren't enough drivers available to deliver supplies to their stores. Which means that they can't deliver food to the food banks

It's not just fresh food - a franchisee of a large chain was explaining on the radio today how he isn't getting the deliveries of frozen and canned food that he orders. For example, if he orders 20 boxes of coke, he will get one box because the suppliers want to make sure every shop gets part of its order.

But, selling whisky and cheese to Australia is going to solve all these problems. I don't think so.

muffinthemoo Fri 18-Jun-21 14:09:06

Dinah maybe the Aussies can sell us any surplus Coke they have going

nanna8 Fri 18-Jun-21 14:15:12

I thought it was Margaret Thatcher who destroyed the fishing industry? That is what my friend from Scotland told me anyway. Her brothers were fishermen, they live on one of the islands. I hope we get more British cheese here, it is lovely.

MerylStreep Fri 18-Jun-21 18:44:44

Here’s one battle the eu have lost.