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Talking about insulation and such measures

(28 Posts)
Aveline Sun 10-Oct-21 14:41:48

I was always brought up to be conscious of a need to save energy. Lights and fires switched off if room empty etc. I tried to din this in to my children. However, DD and SiL drove me mad with their wasteful ways. I had to smile secretly last week when I heard 8year old DGS giving his mum a row for leaving lights on unnecessarily.

Nannarose Sun 10-Oct-21 14:27:24

Absolutely! The simple basics would save a lot of energy, and help folk to be less worried about the cost of energy and be more comfortable.
Insulating all properties to a high standard would create jobs as well. IMHO a scheme should be set up to enable this for those on low incomes / UC, and help with some capital + interest-free loans for others.
It astonishes me that this has not been done!
Some years ago I saw social housing that had these measures + micro-generation, but recently these have not been mandatory. Why?

GillT57 Sun 10-Oct-21 13:57:51

There has obviously been much discussion in the press, on TV etc., about the looming energy price increases and what we can all do to save energy and stay warm. But, all the pundits I have seen are talking about steps such as replacing double glazing, installing thermostatic timers, putting up heavy lined curtains, additional loft insulation etc. All well and good if you can afford the capital outlay and if you are an owner occupier! I would imagine that a lot of those families which will struggle the most are living in rented accomodation, so what are they supposed to do? Should their landlords be undertaking these improvements by law in view of the forthcoming climate discussions?