Gransnet forums

Pedants' corner

Er.....don't know if I'd buy this!

(6 Posts)
Katek Sat 15-Oct-16 22:40:04

I've just seen a sales ad for an osculating fan!!

Luckygirl Sat 15-Oct-16 22:43:23

!!! grin

Sounds painful.

Shanma Sun 16-Oct-16 00:03:38


absent Sun 16-Oct-16 05:23:21

smile Two or three years ago Mr absent suggested that we should buy an oscillating fan. I asked if that was someone who sometimes liked Coldplay and sometimes didn't. He never even smiled!

grannylyn65 Tue 01-Nov-16 18:11:04

absent grin

hildajenniJ Tue 01-Nov-16 19:45:26

I've just come back from visiting my family in Scotland. We went to Paisley for the Halloween celebrations. We walked around the town, and in a shop window I saw a sign "Nesta table". It was prominently displayed in the shop window on a rather nice nest of tables in chrome and glass.