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Wadio Free

(10 Posts)
evianers Sun 12-Jan-20 14:28:58

Our daily listening to wonderful classical music on Radio III is shattered every Saturday morning by the awful voice of Elizabeff Alker, who announces each week "welcome to Wadio Free". Does anyone else agree that her voice is the most annoying on any radio station anywhere?

ninathenana Sun 12-Jan-20 14:29:59

No idea

ladymuck Sun 12-Jan-20 14:37:34

Very rarely listen to the radio, I have quite a large selection of my own classical music on cds. I do agree however, that standards at the BBC have dropped alarmingly.

Reading the news on Friday afternoon was a young woman (didn't catch her name) who looked as though she had been dragged into the studio as a last-minute replacement. She was wearing a rugby shirt and her hair was unkempt to say the least.
Perhaps they thought there was no-one watching!

timetogo2016 Sun 12-Jan-20 14:38:12

Me neither ninathenana.
But she maybe related to Jonathan Woss

Auntieflo Sun 12-Jan-20 18:20:38

I haven't heard that one evianers, but the announcer who annoys me, is the one who introduces the newsreader Mary Nightingale.
She always says "Meery Noitingale". I suppose it is a recording

Why is there the need to introduce the newsreaders anyway?

vampirequeen Mon 13-Jan-20 08:01:25

I don't listen to Radio Three but I enjoy all the accents on both radio and television. I does make me cringe a bit when I hear 'f' rather than 'th' but it's just the way some areas speak and I'm sure my accent grates just as much on some people. Where I come from we say a very nasally 'No' and 'ir/or' are elongated e.g. shirt is pronounced sheeerrrrt and work is weeerrrrk.

Riverwalk Mon 13-Jan-20 08:23:32

Are you sure you have the right presenter Evianers? I sometimes listen to that programme and haven't noticed her saying 'Wadio free'.

She can be a bit 'girly and breathy' but then many presenters are!

NanKate Mon 13-Jan-20 08:45:48

On the whole my son speaks clearly and well but he does say ‘birfday’ I should tell him but if I say ‘There is no F in birthday’ he will burst out laughing and think I am swearing. blush. So I have backed off.

BlueSapphire Mon 13-Jan-20 10:58:15

DH always used to say 'lickle' instead of little. I got used to it!

Sparklefizz Mon 13-Jan-20 12:21:53

I have a friend who is 73 and still says "barfroom" for bathroom, and "pacific" for specific, amongst many other things. She mispronounced my son-in-law's name and continued to do so, which I thought was rude, even after she had been corrected. I find it annoying and I'm sure my son-in-law did, too, although he was too polite to say. It was not even a difficult name to pronounce.

Some people eh! What can you do? smile