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loneliness and cats

(30 Posts)
honeypot43 Sat 02-Apr-16 09:55:23

My two cats have helped me through loss of husband in 2014. I sold the house, bought a bungalow with pretty garden and got my two cats from Blue Cross. Willow is an overweight female tabby, very pretty but nervous, she was in a cage with a little black & white cat called Jessy who is affectionate and active, I couldn't resist them. They have been a such a comfort, affection and source of amusement. They help me with all my activities, ie sitting on keyboard, chewing edge of my watercolour paper while I am trying to paint, and pulling threads on my knitting, but instead of being so lonely I have two living beings with me to share my home. I am 73 and feel so much better now and would recommend pets after bereavement to anyone.

rosesarered Sat 09-Apr-16 21:37:15

Me too.

rosesarered Sat 09-Apr-16 21:38:23

You did the right thing for him Jud but you never get used to it, as you say.?

RossP Tue 03-May-16 07:35:16

Wow! That's really cute.

EllenT Tue 03-May-16 09:36:37

Sympathies, Jud and what a fine photo, honeypot. We had two much loved cats from kittens to their late teens, when both, separately, had to be taken for the one-way trip to the vet. That must have been at least 8 or so years ago, but we still miss their company and talk about them. Never acquired 'replacements' because a house move has been projected (but never materialised) for at least that length of time.