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Adopted children finding birth mothers.

(80 Posts)
GrandmaMoira Sun 12-Jul-20 15:34:21

I have had a long term reunion of 25 years.

annsixty Sun 12-Jul-20 15:13:36

My adopted cousin traced her birth mother when in her 40s, it was upsetting to find out that another daughter born not too long afterwards was brought up in the family and then her mother married and had a third daughter.
There was no happy relationship with mother, she wasn’t interested, neither was the third daughter but a lovely relationship developed with the middle one and many years later they are still the best of friends.
It really can be a minefield, just be prepared for whatever happens.

Bridgeit Sun 12-Jul-20 15:08:23

Sometimes just meeting & finding out the facts is of most benefit. Often there is initial curiosity joy & happiness.
Some remain in contact, for others it drifts away over time.
And for many it does end well , I believe it is worth the effort, as long as the adopted person doesn’t have too many hopes & expectations .Best wishes to anyone who is considering doing this, go for it, but be like a Scout & Be prepared .

biba70 Sun 12-Jul-20 14:26:51

One of my younger colleagues only found out she was adopted, by chance, as a young adult. When she declared to her parents (adoptive but her parents from a baby)- were furious that that she wanted to find her birth mother. As she insisted, they fell out beyond repair. She did find her birth mother and really did not like her or her poor, selfish, excuses for giving her up - and only saw her a few times. She never made up with her adoptive parents. Tragic. So whomever seeks their birth mother must be emotionally prepared for it not to be the fairy tale they dreamt of. Hard.

wicklowwinnie Sun 12-Jul-20 14:21:07

In the 1970s adopted children were given the right to see their original birth certificates and all papers relating to the adoption. This resulted in a great deal of tracing the birth mothers.
Has anyone any experience of where this has been successful and ended in a satisfactory relationship long-term?