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Concerned about worsening relationship between son and grandson

(28 Posts)
YankeeGran Fri 21-Jan-22 11:46:17

Grandson Jack is a volatile and spoiled 15 year old who shows no respect for his father and only does a little better with his mother. I believe this is because he was indulged from a young age and never reprimanded or pulled up short for what I call 'backtalk' or sassing. I remember saying to my son when Jack was 9 or 10, that if he didn't put a stop to this, it would only get worse. And hey ho! (I have NEVER said, I told you so.)
Now that Jack is a teen, the verbal battering his father gets is almost unrelenting. There are good days, but they are notable for being the exception. My son says that, of course, he loves Jack but this constant battering is driving him away to the point where he fears eventual estrangement. I am not a psychologist or a therapist and while I would do anything to help the situation, I am at a loss.
Suggestions, anyone?

DiscoDancer1975 Sun 23-Jan-22 16:25:05


DiscoDancder1975 - Amen to all you say! I think you and I read the same parenting manual - or maybe we parented the way we were parented.
It is not the role of parents to be friends with their children or, as you say, to almost seek permission to discipline for bad behaviour. Parents have life experience and that should enable them to give the support and guidance children need. As someone noted, children have many friends but only one set of parents and they have them for a reason!
You said, "I always say to my children, ‘ your children are behaving normally, and pushing boundaries, but it’s also normal to be disciplined for it." Well said! I think I am going to gently approach my son with that.

Yes...I think ‘ manuals ‘ have a lot to answer for. Too much theory, and not enough practice! Often by people who’ve never had children.

Good luck with everything.

Madgran77 Sun 23-Jan-22 17:00:48

You seem to have a positive relationship with your grandson! Maintain that and wait!

My son was an off the wall nightmare as a teenager! He maintained a great relationship with my Mum through it all and at her funeral he said "My Nan was the one person who could tell me I was being a prat and get away with it, because I listened!!"

She didn't lecture him. She listened, she commented, she presented perspectives whilst acknowledging his perspectives!! It helped us a bit, as parents!!

Use it as appropriate with your grandson! Good luck