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The Josiah Effect: how moderate religion fuels fundamentalism

(55 Posts)
whitewave Wed 15-Jun-16 08:40:28

A cult is a belief system

obieone Wed 15-Jun-16 08:36:44

No they dont. Think of cults.

whitewave Wed 15-Jun-16 08:32:34

All belief systems behave in the same way. Whether they are religious or ideological.

obieone Wed 15-Jun-16 07:55:23

Christianity very much questions. It is part of the reason people go to church.

And best not to muddle all religions together. They are very different.

But yes, as a very basic principle, if children are taught not to question things, then stuff can happen because of that, which is fairly obvious really.

thatbags Wed 15-Jun-16 07:37:00

Here is a very interesting essay by Henry Rambow about how he thinks religious radicalisation happens and how it leads to terrorism. He speaks as someone who was a fundamentalist christian. He did not become a terrorist but he says he understands how easy it could be for young people to adopt violent ideologies and to act on them.

This is from near the end when he is concluding:
"...moderate religion primes children — by the millions, if not billions — from an early age to accept without question the authority of the very same books that serve as the basis for fundamentalist ideologies, and it teaches children that the gods described in those books are worthy of worship. This renders these children susceptible to fundamentalist ideology when, as young adults, they begin seeking a purpose for their lives."