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Alternative or misinterpretation of religion?

(66 Posts)
GabriellaG54 Sun 13-Jan-19 23:27:38

I'm always interested in the BBC Storyville programmes and one I watched this evening was a particular eye-opener.
How people can be swept into the vortex of cult religions is something I really can't understand, least of all, travelling halfway around the world to hear a crackpot announcing that he is the Lamb of God.
Is it the perceived divine force of the speaker or the tangled unhappy paths trodden by the listeners, people who need a leader, need direction and will do anything, go anywhere, give up anyone, to reach the dangled carrot?
The programme: Waco...Madman or Messiah?
It's a sobering thought, that one person can bend (and destroy) the lives of so many.

GabriellaG54 Mon 15-Apr-19 23:45:54

I'll take your last sentence first.
You are wrong.
I don't get offended ever at anyone else's views of me, my family or anyone else I care about.
The reason/?
Because they don't know me or my family as well as I know me and mine.
Words, no matter how harsh can never cut me, can neither undermine my belief in me and mine nor reduce our self esteem, not one iota.
That's the gift I gave them, the ability to turn the other cheek, agree with the person being nasty and ask for guidance on how to be a better version of themselves.
You don't have to mean it, if you've done nothing to deserve that person's ire but it stops things escalating and rather takes the wind out of their sails.
It works.
As for your comment about you and others being offended. Please read my OP again.
You are offended at something you imagine I said, imagine being the operative word.
I was talking about the leader of the Waco cult saying to his followers that he was the lamb of God.
I watched the programme.
I saw and heard him say the words.
Please don't attribute to me, words I did not type.
I am not a believer in any religion but I acknowledge the fact that many people all over the world do indeed enjoy a fulfilling relationship with their God.
I respect your view as you respect mine.
Whether it's religion, politics or anything else which causes people to be offended at opposing views, there is no need IMV to make mountains out of molehills because I just don't subscribe to wanting others to agree with me. That's entirely their choice.
Only by re-reading the OP will you know that I'm absolved of guilt.

Doodle Tue 16-Apr-19 00:25:27

I apologise Gabriella I did misunderstand your quote being related to the Waco cult.

GabriellaG54 Tue 16-Apr-19 02:47:18

That's ok Doodle. I was sure that was the reason.
Have a good week. flowers...and thank you.

rosecarmel Tue 16-Apr-19 03:43:29

Deceit - Its employed when anyone wants something - It can be used as a tool or a weapon, to disarm or bring harm - We're surrounded by deceit in our everyday lives - Personally, I have found myself influenced by it, charmed into buying an item or into theories disguised as truths -

But there is also healthy social influence, too - And beauty - And infinite ideas, and views, to consider that broaden horizons -

GabriellaG54 Tue 16-Apr-19 09:55:45

I agree rosecarmel as I do with many of your comments. If we are duped, it's because we don't believe that anyone would be so mean or disingenuous as to harm or deprive us in any way. A wolf in sheep's clothing, as it were.
I liked a previous comment of yours where you mentioned raking leaves in your yard and taking a moment to reflect on the scene before you.
Beauty can be found in the darkest of corners and the brightest of mornings and this is something we should always recognise. It costs not a penny.
Enjoy your day. ??

Miep1 Tue 16-Apr-19 12:23:59

I was sitting in a local pub a few years ago and noticed one of our neighbours (known to have a bit of a dodgy relationship with alcohol) who had been ill. As I was about to go over and ask him how he was, another couple (well dressed, affable) came in and gently escorted him out. We thought that they were his carers and have only recently become cogniscent of the full story.
The couple we saw have founded a new Church. Based on Christianity. They seem to haunt pugs and other places where they might find 'lost souls' eg among the homeless. Don't misunderstand me, I have nothing whatsoever against religion in any form. Since then, we have learned of others who have been approached by the couple, including 2 very good friends, one of whom was ill recently and had to go to the other end of the country for treatment. The wife took us along to this 'church', which was certainly full of rather displaced (for want of a better word), held in a school hall with kids running everywhere. Songs were sung - none that I've ever heard - and bread was baked and shared during a 20 minute prayer. It seems the original couple also hold meetings at their house (very large and expensive) where they speak in tongues, but only those who have truly joined' are invited. Both of us thought the whole thing smacked of a cult, preying on vulnerable people and gently suggested this to the wife. She was outraged. We apologised, which was accepted. The husband is still 'doing his homework;" he's been told to read the entire old testament before they really 'take him in'. In my mind, religion should have no entry clauses and I still think this set-up is rather suspect. We haven't been back.

Anniebach Tue 16-Apr-19 13:40:35

They are supporting the vulnerable, bread is symbolic, we take bread and wine at Mass , when I attended the Baptist Church the bread was small pieces of bread, in the Anglican Church ,a wafer. Children are welcome.

An entry clause ? No way. They may want to do good but they seem to have forgotten

Christ said come unto me all .

Alexa Tue 15-Oct-19 00:32:38

Years ago I helped a cafe run by the C of E for people in need. There was not a breath of indoctrination there. I am not a member of any sect but the C of E really seems pretty liberal and accepting.

absthame Wed 16-Oct-19 18:45:46

I am a Christian and find it offensive when those professing to be Christians are intolerant of those with different religious beliefs or even no belief at all. Equally I find it offensive when those of other faiths or no faith are very intolerant of people who are Christian. I fail to understand why for some gain so much satisfaction in ignoring the sensitivities of others.

Greenfinch Wed 16-Oct-19 18:57:22

absthame I absolutely agree with you. If there was more tolerance the world would be a happier place to live in. There is nothing worse than people who know they are right and everyone else is wrong.

M0nica Wed 16-Oct-19 19:47:23

What irritates me most is people who are not members of my faith convinced that they know more about my faith and what it entails than I do.

In fact when I read what atheists say about what a belief in a God entails I am constantly bemused because I cannot recognise any of their descriptions as matching any belief I recognise..

Witzend Wed 16-Oct-19 20:24:21

Cults are frightening.
Shortly before leaving school my dds were given an extremely hard-hitting talk about cults. They were told to be especially wary of 'excessive or inappropriate' friendliness during their first weeks at university - a time when many can feel overwhelmed and lonely - away from home for the first time - and are very vulnerable. A favourite time, apparently, for targeting new recruits.

They were specifically told not to go along to any 'introductory sessions' just for a laugh, thinking they'd never be taken in, since the psychological techniques they use to draw people in can be extremely powerful.

Alexa Thu 17-Oct-19 21:05:19


"when I read what atheists say about what a belief in a God entails I am constantly bemused because I cannot recognise any of their descriptions as matching any belief I recognise.."

It's good that each person has a different idea of God.

annodomini Thu 17-Oct-19 21:58:53

Surely an atheist doesn't need to have any concept of what.who god is because he/she knows no such being exists.

Alexa Fri 18-Oct-19 14:23:09

But atheists are often people who think about god, God, or gods. Atheists include people who trust theer is order which is nit mind-dependent. Atheists also include people who believe there is a Form of the Good, but don't believe this Form is a Person.

The idea of god is an important metaphysical idea for people who have nevertheless decided there is nothing in control of our destinies.