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Spiritualist Church

(51 Posts)
Sark Wed 19-Feb-20 06:53:52

I wonder if you could help please?
I don't feel particularly religious but I do like traditional hymns and going to church for weddings etc.
I am vaguely thinking about going on a regular basis and thought maybe a spiritualist church.
I don't know anything about spiritualist services but having had various bereavement over the years thought this might be the place to go?

Anniebach Thu 20-Feb-20 14:51:05

In fairness Spiritualist Churches do worship the God of the

endlessstrife Thu 20-Feb-20 15:04:02

They may claim to worship God, but by going against what He says in the Bible, it’s part of the deception. The main one being, they can talk to our dead loved ones. Avoid at all cost OP.

BlueBelle Thu 20-Feb-20 16:47:19

Endless the bible is a stories open to interpretation

Anniebach Thu 20-Feb-20 17:23:07

And gay Christians ?

Sparkling Thu 20-Feb-20 17:30:45

I would avoid The Spiritalist Church. I went once a very bad experience. Try your local Parish or Methodist Church. You will find one that you fit in with.

Doodle Thu 20-Feb-20 19:39:20

sark don’t know if it’s of any help but my friend is a catholic but when her husband died they could not do his funeral as they were booked up for weeks so my friend asked if they could hold a service in a C of E church. She found such a welcome there she asked if she could keep attending after the funeral and they said it was not a problem. So although a catholic, she now regularly attends a C of E church as she found what she was looking for there.

olliebeak Thu 20-Feb-20 19:53:24

The church that I'm a member of is Anglo/Methodist - GREAT combination of both denominations (which aren't all that much different from each other) - in one of the poorest areas of Liverpool.

We have a lively congregation ranging from very young (Messy Church - a bit like Sunday School with Crafts) to quite a few people of 80+.

We always have a great mix of hymns - lots of Wesleyan ones - some traditional CofE ones - plus some more modern ones for the younger generation.

I would suggest that you avoid the Spiritualist Church, as their practise of 'contacting spirits' is against the traditional Christian beliefs of ALL denominations.

Praying that you find a church that suits you very soon smile.

Sark Thu 20-Feb-20 20:12:27

Thank you everyone.
To be honest I am not quite sure what I am looking for but will go to a couple of different services ( not a spiritualist service) and see how I get on.
Thanks again

Txquiltz Thu 20-Feb-20 20:21:47

My family was rife with Methodist ministers hence, those are my roots. So many times in my life (good or bad) the lovely words from those hymns have brought peace and comfort. I am so fortunate to have those memories. Find a church where the legacy of those hymns remains.

Anniebach Thu 20-Feb-20 22:20:50

A Spiritual Church is not for me , i was brought up Baptist then moved to the Anglican Church .

I had a Baptist Godmother and a Roman Catholic God Father,
I chose them when I was baptised in the Anglican Church ,
quite a mixture .

Alexa Thu 20-Feb-20 23:54:49

Spiritualist churches tend to be boring, especially as ghosts of dead people don't exist..
If you like jolly hymns you may like the Methodists.
Unitarians are bad hymn singers as they cannot sing a line before they decide for themselves if they agree with it or not.

High C of E has nice music but not what I'd call merry hymns. .

Fecklar Wed 18-Nov-20 07:20:59

I have been well Cathedralled well churched. I lost my belief and will never get that back. Don’t want it back. I went off and explored different faiths. I lived in a Muslim country for 4 years and studied their beliefs. However I now firmly believe in a life after death. I’ve had certain mediumship skills all my life which I do not use. I’ve had many events in this area. I would not force my beliefs on anyone. Whatever you arrive at towards the end of your life is what you’ll take over with you. In spiritualist churches they have hymn singing, recognise god and JC. It’s a likeminded community just like the church. Nobody forces anything on you unlike the church or threatens hell and damnation if you sidestep the bible. Many religions plagerise the bible to push their own agenda however there is some crossover to spirituality in some of them. There won’t be any face to face spiritualist church meetings with the covid at the moment they just do zoom.

Lollin Wed 18-Nov-20 09:06:12

Would buying a CD of hymns and join in the singing at home help? I haven't looked but there was a very well stocked Christian cards, gift and bookshop not far from where I used to live so there must be others around, and online. Then if it's actual company you want you could try as others have said in doing the rounds around the churches after lockdown.

Floradora9 Wed 18-Nov-20 21:30:25

If you decide to sample different churches do remember that the reason they are still there is down to the loyal members of the congregation so do leave a decent offering . They keep the churches open for everyone.

avitorl Thu 19-Nov-20 00:41:18

I'm not a Spiritualist and don't attend any Church but I have been to a Spiritualist Church and found it uplifting and full of hope. I personally found it to be the best Church I've ever been to. I was expecting it to be scarey but it was bright, friendly and very normal and I was brought up as a Catholic.

OceanMama Thu 19-Nov-20 01:56:59

I'd quite like to go to a spiritualist church, where they know nothing about me, and see what they come up with. I'm not into using mediums and would never directly seek it out as I'm a skeptic anyway, but there is a small part of me that would love it if they were able to give me something so specific that it was impossible that it was made up. Then again, I'm not sure I could be convinced it was anything other than good luck on their part. Part of me would be curious to put it to the test though. I haven't been to any church for years though and don't intend to restart at any stage.

vampirequeen Thu 19-Nov-20 13:47:32

If I was looking the rousing hymns I'd go to the Methodists or the Sally Army.

Barmeyoldbat Thu 19-Nov-20 14:51:27

Oh yes The Sally Army. My children use to go when they visited an aunty and her children. They loved it and use to ask to go every weekend. Such a happy place.

Luckygirl Thu 19-Nov-20 16:32:43

I am a respectful agnostic - but draw the line at spiritualist churches which prey on the vulnerable, both emotionally and financially. I suggest you watch the Trump Story on BBC catch-up to see the extremes that these churches go to - it makes me shudder.

I am a great fan of hymns - the church has nicked all the best music!! There are some wonderful tunes, and some wonderful sentiments, which even I can appreciate, if you eschew the Victorian "poor man at the gate" hymns designed to keep the lower orders in their place by claiming a divine plan.

If you want good songs, try a local chapel - there are loads where I live - or the nearest cathedral that still has a real professional choir.

Kindness is all that really matters; and most religions have this as their core. Latching onto that alone avoids the excesses to which organised religions often fall prey.

Luckygirl Thu 19-Nov-20 16:33:22

My Dad used to set our dog on the Sally Ally band when they stood outside our house on a Sunday - naughty Dad!

granny'sbuttons Thu 19-Nov-20 16:46:50

Sadly at the moment there is no hymn singing permitted in churches. For the next 2 weeks at least there are no live services either although you could watch some online and get an idea of what might suit you that way. Most churches are open for private prayer so you could at least go and have a look round. Once services are allowed again the numbers will be restricted because of the bothersome virus and it’s associated social distancing. I hope you find a warm welcome wherever you go.

vampirequeen Fri 20-Nov-20 10:52:56

Totally with you Luckygirl. Kindness is what matters. If everyone was kind and cared about others then there would be far less suffering in the world.

paddyanne Fri 20-Nov-20 11:52:35

I think spiritualist churches here and in the USA are very different things .I have friends who attend one they have never ,to my knowldge , been fleeced for money.The contribution is no more than any church expects and less than some who ask for a % of income

Luckygirl Fri 20-Nov-20 12:51:09

The US is a reflection of where we are going - in many ways, not just spiritualist churches!

pinkprincess Sun 29-Nov-20 23:27:12

I do not believe in spiritualism or contacting the dead.My now late mother did though. Both of her grandmothers were supposed to be spirit mediums and my mother was always trying to get a ''a visit'' from all her loved ones.
After my grandfather, with whom she hd been very close, had died she started going to spiritualist meetings hoping to get a message from him, which she never did. She never liked going alone and always persuaded someone to accompany her, and on one occasion she persuaded me.
A man was speaking what I felt was a load of rubbish.He kept looking and pointing at various people but avoided me and my mother.
On the way out he was wishing everyone goodbye as they passed through the door.When it came to my mother and I he made a point of shaking her hand but just gave me the most horrible stare.I stared back at him but he completely unnerved me.I have never been given a look like he gave me and never want to again.
That was my one and only visit to one of those places and I told my mother that I would not be going back.