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(28 Posts)
Greatnan Fri 31-May-13 06:31:55

This was a fascinating programme and it explained something that has bothered me for years. In 'Chariots of the Gods' the fraudster, Erich von Daniken, pointed out that there were long, dead straight lines on the ground in South America, which could only be seen from the air. There is something similar around Stonehenge, and it was explained that if there is a slight incline water will find its own level by the shortest route, and will travel in a straight line. So, no super aliens, just simple physics!

Aka Sat 01-Jun-13 06:16:02

feetle confused

Greatnan Sat 01-Jun-13 09:40:52

I am all for the scientific method and I appreciate that today's scientists are 'standing on the shoulders of giants'. They can only keep testing hypotheses and using new techniques and technology which was not available to their predecessors. Most advances seem to be the result of team work, but every so often an individual will challenge orthodox thinking and expand our knowledge.
I am not a scientist and simply have a layperson's interest in how the world works and how things fit together. It annoys me that I can't live another 50 years as the pace of discovery is accelerating and I won't be around to see it!