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1,000-year-old onion and garlic eye remedy kills MRSA

(36 Posts)
Elegran Tue 31-Mar-15 00:13:44

This sounds wonderful - but I found the report in the early hours of April 1st. I do hope that it is true.

POGS Tue 31-Mar-15 22:42:35


I think I understand, thank you for replying.

I admit I have never really studied homeopathy , I should find out more as Treddinnik is my MP and he has had a lot of stick lately, as I am sure most GN's know, after all there was a thread on GN recently that followed that line of thought.

I must try harder grin

Elegran Tue 31-Mar-15 22:18:25

Pogs Homeopathy would be if they made up the mixture and put one part of it into a hundred parts of water and shook it up well, then put one part of that into a fresh hundred parts of water and shook it up again, then repeated that a third time.

I think this remedy is meant to be used at full strength.

loopylou Tue 31-Mar-15 21:52:23

Drug-Resistance is due to the over-use and misuse of antibiotics- patients' expectations that GPs will prescribe antibiotics for viral (pointless) and minor illnesses and patients not finishing the whole course.
In hospitals the situation is then compounded because the patient is really unwell and there are fewer effective antibiotics to choose from - the 'strongest' ones have often got side effects too.
Natural remedies wouldn't as far as I can see, cause resistance, they've been used for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. Honey was used by the Ancient Egyptians!

POGS Tue 31-Mar-15 21:40:01

When I first saw this I thought of MP David Treddinnick, is this homeopathy or not?

Soutra Tue 31-Mar-15 21:04:07

I believe one of the reasons bacteria have become so resistant is not just our over-dependence on antibiotics but also the widespread if not overuse of "anti-bacterial" products in the home -anti-bac chopping boards, cloths, and yes, even tea tree oil. Careful washing and scrubbing are much more effective and won't run the risk of bacterial resistance.

janerowena Tue 31-Mar-15 20:28:41

I love tea tree oil. I used to use it for all sorts of things - I don't so much nowadays because I always had copious quantities to keep the nits away from the DC's hair - and mine. It's brilliant in the bathwater if you have scratches and grazes from gardening.

rosequartz Tue 31-Mar-15 20:15:48

Tea tree oil is supposed to be good against Golden Staph.

AlieOxon Tue 31-Mar-15 19:26:48

MRSA diagnosed in May - gone by July.....

I do wish people knew about this especially when I see old people with
bandaged legs....

The first I heard of it was the story of Prince Hal (Henry V) who at 16 received an arrow near his eye - it was removed and honey was part of the ointment used to sterilise the wound. Gory story here if you want to look it up!
But at the time I was using it, the Dermatology Dept at the Churchill Hospital in Oxford was trying it out, quite separately - and the latest is that it's also being tried out as a mouthwash. Must tell my dentist that.

Juliette Tue 31-Mar-15 18:44:41

Thanks for that AO
It was very successful on my neighbours DH too. Months of conventional treatment were going nowhere. I know that they used +12 and that is what I always buy.
My neighbour's DH did not have MRSA as far as I know, just very stubborn ulcers which so many older people suffer from.

AlieOxon Tue 31-Mar-15 17:22:57

Wasn't there also a thing about using Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) to completely sterilise hospital rooms? what happened to that?

AlieOxon Tue 31-Mar-15 17:21:23

Well, it worked this time.

thatbags Tue 31-Mar-15 17:03:09

The report I read said the mixture was 90% effective against MRSA. While that is good, it's not a killing.

AlieOxon Tue 31-Mar-15 16:27:53

Corrections here. (I've now found the file I kept as a log at the time.)
We started the honey at the end of June and she went on holiday at the beginning of October.

felice Tue 31-Mar-15 16:26:00

Ooops, read the OP and immediately phoned my Dentist as I have an appointment on Thursday 2nd of April,,,,
He now thinks I am an even dafter old bat than he probably already thought I was.!!!!!!!

AlieOxon Tue 31-Mar-15 16:06:50

Sorry, should have put the last paragraph second!

AlieOxon Tue 31-Mar-15 16:05:41

How I did it:
......sorry if TMI but I feel it may be useful.

Using non-stick 'Tricotex' squares (10 x 10cm) I spread honey thinly, put on raw patches, and covered with greaseproof paper. This was an experiment but held the honey on, unlike a bandage which soaked it away.

(Extraordinarily, the honey doesn't hurt on the sores unless it is too strong, we tried 5+ first, can increase if not enough effect.)
I changed the dressing twice a day at first. Note - hygienic precautions when dealing with this! Also with used bandages.

On top of this, an ordinary absorbent bandage which absorbed any oozing - it does at the beginning. The sores gradually became smaller and less painful over a month or two, needing less dressings and less often, and finally healed up.

janerowena Tue 31-Mar-15 15:49:40

I would have to hide it.

Juliette Tue 31-Mar-15 15:19:50

AlieOxon would you mind sharing how you applied the honey to your friend's leg?
It was using it in this way that I first heard about it and in very similar circumstances to you.

AlieOxon Tue 31-Mar-15 14:53:47

Hide it.

AlieOxon Tue 31-Mar-15 14:53:29

Yes it is expensive but I don't count it as a food! Very small amounts work.

janerowena Tue 31-Mar-15 14:27:13

I wonder if it has to be cow bile? Maybe other biles would work? [eyesupneighbour'spigs]

I do love a good home remedy - and that is GOOD. smile

Juliette I shall give your honey a try. What puts me off is, it's

A expensive

B DBH would eat it all

C expensive

janeainsworth Tue 31-Mar-15 14:03:36

don't try this at home wink

AlieOxon Tue 31-Mar-15 12:03:06

Yes, it does. Even my daughter says so!

Marmight Tue 31-Mar-15 12:02:22

I have Manuka honey on my porridge, take a spoonful for sore throats and have used it on burns. Seems to work! Sadly since I started using it, it has tripled in price.

Juliette Tue 31-Mar-15 11:49:11

Manuka Honey is brilliant for persistent coughs also. It has anti-biotic properties. I keep recommending it on here but no one has ever responded.