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This thl thing

(27 Posts)
j08 Wed 16-Oct-13 19:20:56

It's too hard for #specsaversfrequenting grannies.

I'm sure last year it was just h.

thatbags Wed 16-Oct-13 19:33:22

Yer what, luv?

ninathenana Wed 16-Oct-13 19:58:28

I'm with you on that one jO8

LaraGransnet (GNHQ) Wed 16-Oct-13 20:12:58

Hmm - it is a bit unwieldy. thlblush Sorry about that. We get what we're given but maybe if we ask Tech nicely bribe Tech with cake, next time we can get them to give us something more straightforward.

kittylester Thu 17-Oct-13 07:02:51

I could cope if I knew what thl stood for thlconfused

FlicketyB Thu 17-Oct-13 21:11:27

I am completely in the dark. What is the significance of the black thing on the emoticon head?

Grandmanorm Thu 17-Oct-13 21:16:32

It is a hallowe'en sign? I think it is.

j08 Thu 17-Oct-13 21:20:15


FlicketyB Thu 17-Oct-13 21:44:56

What has the black thing got to do with Halloween?

j08 Thu 17-Oct-13 21:49:20

It's a witch's hat! grin

FlicketyB Thu 17-Oct-13 21:56:01

I thought they were tall and pointy. The ones above look like rather fuzzy £ signs

LizG Thu 17-Oct-13 22:16:37

??*The Hallowe'en Logo* ??

j08 Thu 17-Oct-13 22:30:55

She is a friendly witch. She usually pops up around here about this time of year.

She appears on the Other Place too.

bluebell Thu 17-Oct-13 22:33:08

Well that's more than you are JO

Aka Thu 17-Oct-13 22:37:11

Not true. J0 appears on Other Places too.

Aka Thu 17-Oct-13 22:38:13

Or at least on Other Threads.

Aka Thu 17-Oct-13 22:38:30

So I'm totally bewildered.

janerowena Thu 17-Oct-13 22:38:30

Puck. That's who J08 reminds me of.

Aka Thu 17-Oct-13 22:39:13

Puck of Pook's Hill you mean?

j08 Thu 17-Oct-13 22:57:46

If we shadows have offended,
Think but this, and all is mended,
That you have but slumber'd here
While these visions did appear.
And this weak and idle theme,
No more yielding but a dream,
Gentles, do not reprehend:
if you pardon, we will mend:
And, as I am an honest Puck,
If we have unearned luck
Now to 'scape the serpent's tongue,
We will make amends ere long;
Else the Puck a liar call;
So, good night unto you all.
Give me your hands, if we be friends,
And Robin shall restore amends.


Aka Thu 17-Oct-13 23:20:26


LizG Thu 17-Oct-13 23:37:22

Shakespeare or J08 ? But really good, thanks. Nigh night!

j08 Fri 18-Oct-13 14:30:25

LizG I didn't write it!!! shock

Galen Fri 18-Oct-13 15:05:52

End of midsommer's night dream I think

annodomini Fri 18-Oct-13 16:14:52

Yes, MND it is.