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Style & beauty


(32 Posts)
CoffeeFirst1 Fri 20-May-22 07:36:49

I go into town and get mine either waxed or shaped, usually every 3/4 months or when they begin to look a bit wild.

I don’t like doing them myself really, never looks that good (or even). ?

Hellogirl1 Fri 20-May-22 07:30:36

I`ve never touched mine, they`re not perfect, but not bad, hate the thought of plucking them.

FannyCornforth Fri 20-May-22 07:29:05

I’m trying to grow mine!
I use eyelash serum and eyebrow serum.
The former has worked wonders, and the latter is now starting to pay dividends

Oopsadaisy1 Fri 20-May-22 07:28:24

I try to get the tweezers behind my glasses, whilst squinting into a large magnifying mirror.
Sadly my Dennis Healey eyebrows have had to be plucked so they are very short eyebrows. If I dont pluck them out they grow straight up and curl!!
I have grown a fringe to cover them up.

M0nica Fri 20-May-22 07:27:10

I get them done for me. and have them tnted at the same time.

Alternatively, and more drastic, get cataracts and have a prescription lens put in during the operation, I was given the choice of replacement lens that would need me only needing glasses for driving or reading. I went for the glasses for driving option, so my close vision is quite good.

dogsmother Fri 20-May-22 07:12:03

I think it’s a good investment having them done for you. I loved having mine threaded. It shaped them beautifully haven’t had to for a long time now though.

Lilliesmum79 Fri 20-May-22 07:01:50

How do you pluck eyebrows whilst wearing glasses. Ive tried magnifying mirrors not strong enough and can't do it when wearing glasses. Can't wax as skin now very sensitive. It seems I've Denis Healy eyebrows with added white ones sprouting out ??