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Very dry flaky scalp

(8 Posts)
travelsafar Sun 31-Mar-24 23:25:19

Can anyone recommend a good shampoo or treatment for this. Tried head and shoulders but no good. Its mostly around my ears and hairline....I hate it never had it before.
Even leaving oil overnight doesn't really help.

MiniMoon Sun 31-Mar-24 23:49:51

Have you tried Polytar eczema shampoo. My grandson has x linked ichthiosis and consequently has very dry flaky skin. He uses this.
You could also try Nizoral anti dandruff shampoo.

NotSpaghetti Mon 01-Apr-24 04:08:38

It could be psoriasis. I suggest you have a GP take a look if you can.
Polytar is of course used for psoriasis - and is available on prescription (or certainly used to be).

I hope you soon find something to get this under control.

NotSpaghetti Mon 01-Apr-24 04:12:34

By the way, I am prone to psoriasis and use Exorex (the lotion version) at night as soon as it flares up again - washing my hair in the morning with a mild non-irritating shampoo.

I do think it's best to know what you are dealing with though.

tanith Mon 01-Apr-24 07:39:36

It could be Seborrheic Dermatitis, I’ve had this for many years and my GP said it can’t be cured but I managed to control it mostly to a small patch on the nape of my neck. I tried every shampoo (baby shampoo made it much worse) oil and cream but nothing really worked. Now I buy Polytar shampoo and at first used it twice a week for a month and as it had spread all over my head and now it’s under control I use it once a fortnight and my usual shampoo in between. It’s still there on the back of my head but is much less itchy and flaky.
Maybe see your GP for a diagnosis.

Judy54 Mon 01-Apr-24 14:15:53

Phillip Kingsley do a good range of products for flaky itchy scalps. Not cheap but very effective. These can be bought online. Perhaps worth a try.

travelsafar Mon 01-Apr-24 20:51:47

Thanks for all replies I will try and get a gp appointment to get it checked out.

petra Mon 01-Apr-24 21:07:49

I was under a Trichologist for some time.
It definitely sounds like seborrheic dermatitis ( round the ears and hair line are classic symptoms.
My Trichologist told me I must wash my hair every day. Think of this like a fungus, it can grow at an alarming rate.
This is what I use.