Gransnet forums



(4 Posts)
Anniebach Thu 22-Oct-15 13:38:41

Thank you

chelseababy Thu 22-Oct-15 12:16:29

I've got Canon too. Very cheap but don't know about cost of replacement ink. Took me a while to sort the WiFi connection but now all working smoothly

jollyg Thu 22-Oct-15 12:12:37

Cheapest from Argos is a canon £ 34 ish.

Ive used Canon for years and can highly reccommend .

Canon has wifi but that is standard now, you dont have to use it

Anniebach Thu 22-Oct-15 12:02:43

My old HP printer has expired. Can someone recommend a printer I can use with my iPad please? I would like to stick with HP and basic because I only scan and or print