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Are Which in touch with the real world

(3 Posts)
Wobblybits Sun 13-Nov-16 14:14:31

Which are spending a lot of money advertising a guide to upgrading to Windows10. Now, I may be wrong, but wouldn't most people who intended to upgrade have done it when it was free, rather than waiting until now when they have to pay for it.

gettingonabit Sun 13-Nov-16 15:06:08

I my bitter experience, Which are quite good at advertising "free" products which actually aren't. I fell for the "free" pensions guide promotion and, when I tried to get my guide, it turned out it wasn't free at all.

I like Which generally, but this aspect if their business is unnecessary.

jollyg Sun 13-Nov-16 16:03:22

Which is a business..... nuff said..Dont be conned please