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I phone and google

(7 Posts)
Missedout Tue 05-Jan-21 10:31:31

I use DuckDuckGo as a search engine. More private and Google gets to know less about me. It does the job as far as I am concerned. I can always find what I need.

Backedintoacorner Mon 04-Jan-21 19:33:35

Google is default search engine (nothing to do with your email at all) you can change it but wouldn’t recommend as it’s the best

ElaineI Mon 04-Jan-21 18:56:36

You can change it from Google - I changed mine at one point to duck something but changed back as Google was better. As Genty says Google sometimes asks to update privacy.

Sparkling Mon 04-Jan-21 18:15:41

Bless you Gentry for your prompt reply, it was worrying me a little.

Genty Mon 04-Jan-21 18:15:30

Forgot to add Safari uses Google as its default search engine.

Genty Mon 04-Jan-21 18:13:42

I have safari on my ipad and in the settings under safari there are 4 search engines to choose from, Ive clicked on google as my search engine as I find it easier to use. Google does occasionally ask you to update your privacy settings.

Sparkling Mon 04-Jan-21 17:12:55

This probably sounds silly but e mail is google and when I search for anything on Safari, it seems everything is through google search engine, is this usual? They are now asking me to update privacy. I can’t remember saying everything would be google just e mail. Thanking you in anticipation of someone giving me an answer.