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Ed Balls Travel Through Euroland

(8 Posts)
POGS Sun 16-Feb-20 19:36:03

Anybody watching?

It's interesting , not as good as Simon Reeves travel documentaries but I doubt Ed Balls would compare himself to him.

EllanVannin Sun 16-Feb-20 19:53:43

I think Ed Balls is quite a likeable chap though forgot about this series. Whatever Ed has appeared in he's shown himself to be interested and friendly.

Deedaa Sun 16-Feb-20 21:08:18

I enjoyed the series, Ed always seems a nice normal guy, and he will have a go at anything.

NanKate Sun 16-Feb-20 21:25:37

Thoroughly enjoyed the series. ?

POGS Sun 16-Feb-20 22:07:08

It obviously came as no surprise but it is interesting to see the UK and other EU countries are similar in so many ways politically and the shift in voting habits.

Yes Ed Balls does have a ' have a go ', ' friendly ' manner whilst presenting.

Callistemon Sun 16-Feb-20 22:56:53

I haven't seen it but might try and find it.

Isn't it amazing how many of these politicians become popular after they leave politics!

tessagee Mon 17-Feb-20 17:54:39

Yes I did watch several in the series, missed one. It was an eye-opener to see how many countries are rebelling against the EU which is reflected in their populist votes.

Jane10 Mon 17-Feb-20 18:01:13

Very interesting programme. Ed Balls was just the person for it. He's friendly and seems to be very genuine. The increase in nationalism was interesting to bear in mind when it came to the recent Irish election.