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Being asked to attend work when I can work from home?

(5 Posts)
bityoungtobeagranny Thu 14-May-20 19:21:24

I am being asked to attend work when I can work from home. I'm a key worker, and the boss wants us to attend work a couple of times a week for social interaction. I feel this kind of misses the point of what the government is saying. Thoughts?

Calendargirl Thu 14-May-20 19:25:56

Can you not have an online meeting with colleagues?

SirChenjin Thu 14-May-20 19:26:01

How will he ensure your safety if you attend? Why does he feel that this is essential for social interaction? Fine if you’re needed there for actual work, but I’d want to see a risk assessment that showed the benefits of me attending for this purpose outweighed the risks.

Jaycee5 Thu 14-May-20 19:29:25

It seems ridiculous.
Do you know how others feel about it?
It is often helpful to thrash things out face to face but other times meetings are a total waste of time. Either way, social interaction seems a peculiar reason. Almost as if he is lonely and missing his team meetings. Personally I would resist if you can.
It is still very early. Although there is no knowing how long it will be until it is past the pandemic stage. I was watching a video by a woman who had lived through the Spanish flu talking about that. They were pretty strict about the lock down then. I'm not sure how long for but they didn't consider themselves clear of it in the US until 1922.

oldgimmer1 Thu 14-May-20 19:45:02

Measures would need to be taken by your boss in line with current health and safety requirements, obviously.

And providing all reasonable steps have been taken by your boss I think you'd find it difficult to make a case for remaining at home if you are asked to attend.

If in a union, have a word.