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Alternatives to calling yourself (semi) retired

(29 Posts)
Greenfinch Mon 18-Apr-22 12:16:16

Although I do a little bit of work now and again I always say “retired” as that is what I am most of the time.

LOUISA1523 Mon 18-Apr-22 12:15:49

I would say you are working part time

Baggs Mon 18-Apr-22 12:11:21

Just say you're still working part-time and, if you don't want to expand on that, don't.

I've only ever said anything at all on the retirement front when someone (a nurse who was dealing with a wounded finger) asked outright whether I was reitred. I said I was working part-time.

DENISE391 Mon 18-Apr-22 12:02:11

I'd love your input as a wrestle with how to describe myself. I've got my occupational pension, and still work, but very much part-time (self employed consultancy), alongside academic study and interests. Saying I'm retired doesn't feel right. Semi-retired seems better, but not sure if that really fits. I've come across people who say that they are in 'refirement' or -pre-tirement'. Neither feel right to me. I'd love to know your thoughts and ideas. Thank you. smile