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House names you might have chosen, and their meanings.

(107 Posts)
Panache Mon 16-Apr-18 08:53:10

A little light entertainment on this sunny Monday morning.

I shall kick off with some of our own.......

Knotty Pines......named because we planted pine trees all around the garden plus some ceilings and walls indoors were clad in pine wood (complete with knots!!) on a cliff edge overlooking a busy harbour and bay we oft felt as though we were castaways far away,though sadly there never was an island!

Morningside........a cottage overlooking the same Bay and the bright morning eastern sun, which on a good day bathed the frontage in an orange glow

Griselda Fri 20-Apr-18 13:34:07

My house doesn't have a name but I have seen two that amuse me -
"Atlanta" and "Harfa".

LouLou21 Fri 20-Apr-18 13:47:46

Have a house near us called Effem Hall. Love it, also a beach hut called Jabba the.

lemongrove Fri 20-Apr-18 16:47:53


Elegran Fri 20-Apr-18 17:25:12

TellNo1Ok The house you mention DOES have a cryptic name. The name painted on the side of the plane that dropped the first atom bomb was Enola Gay, after the mother of the pilot. The original owner of the house either knew someone called Enola, had a particular interest in atom bombs, or was gay.

grannyactivist Fri 20-Apr-18 17:37:48

More like Muckingham Palace at the moment Marmight, the sunshine is showing up every dust mot, but no, though there is a royal connection. wink

Elrel Fri 27-Apr-18 13:15:31

When my friend Rosemary became Mrs White they called their new house White Rose Cottage. They also planted white roses, of course!