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(182 Posts)
M0nica Mon 12-Aug-19 16:47:10

You have to be very young and very slim to be able to wear a short top over leggings.

Oldandverygrey Mon 12-Aug-19 16:45:55

Thank you Gonegirl, anything that covers my bum is helpful!

Lilypops Mon 12-Aug-19 16:44:17

Hi am 71 a size 14/16 and I wear good leggings and a tunic top and I think I look ok , but I would never wear a short tshirt with leggings , In my opinion it looks awful , you can see the outline of their anatomy "down there" and with fat sausages legs it's just not a good look , You just have to look in the mirror first and check what you look lik before venturing out, clearly some don't.

Gonegirl Mon 12-Aug-19 16:41:04

Oldandverygrey grin Get some nice ones from Marks and Sparks, and wear a t-shirt or blouse that covers your bum. They are useful togs.

RosieLeah Mon 12-Aug-19 16:38:28

This is something I mentioned on another site..perhaps you brought it up on there too?
These women always look to me as though they rushed out of the house and forgot to put their skirt on.

Oldandverygrey Mon 12-Aug-19 16:37:57

Kupari - am trying to drum up the courage to buy a pair of leggings, am now wondering if this is such a good idea!

Kupari45 Mon 12-Aug-19 16:35:55

AIBU to think that overweight ladies look absurd in leggings and short T shirts?
Just come home after shopping in local town. While waiting for the bus I couldnt help but notice how many ladies wear tight leggings and tight t shirts - some almost look naked- in fact one had pale pink leggings on and looked obscene.
Before some of you shoot me down in flames I will admit to being size 16- but I wear clothes that fit me.!
Apart from looking a mess - surely on a hot day tight polyester isnt very comfortable.
I thought leggings were supposed to be worn under "Tunic Tops"- but apparently not.
This is just an observation- but would be interested in your opinions.