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Surrogate/unofficial adoptive grandparents

(27 Posts)
Caryanne2 Thu 24-Sep-20 12:04:00

Good Morning, forgive me if I am asking in the wrong place. I'm new to this website. A school nanna mentioned this website to me during drop off. I am a single, working parent to my amazing Son and beautiful Daughter aged 7 and 5 respectively. Due to my childhood consisting of many years in foster care and my children's father leaving us when my little girl was 10 months and my son being 3 years old, his mum and step dad live and work on the Falklands as does the childrens dad. He visits his children once a year or once every other year, the children have not seen their paternal grandparents for 5 years, despite always being welcomed to come and visit their grandchildren. I'm hoping to find a way that is safe for all involved in order to establish a grandparent role for my children? I believe grandparents can teach my children things I simply can not for whatever reason. We live in Horton Heath, Hampshire and although we are fortunate to have a car, it would be nice to forge a grandparent relationship locally. Being ex Royal Navy I am fairly independent but I too need help, support or advice from time to time too. Once again forgive me if I have come about this from the wrong angle. Look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Toadinthehole Fri 25-Sep-20 16:27:08

I wouldn’t do it Carryanne. My children have done perfectly well without grandparent involvement, and it’s such a risk with your precious little ones. As you go through life with’ll naturally forge relationships with people, which would be far better, and safer I would imagine. All the best to you.