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Telepathy - any experiences?

(49 Posts)
Witzend Mon 20-Feb-17 09:56:32

My mother was an acutely sensitive type, which could sometimes make her difficult to,live with, but on two occasions that I know of personally, she picked up exact details of trauma or distress in a family member thousands of miles away, at the exact time they were happening, as it transpired later.

These were not cases of being wise after the event. In one case it was me, and I was seriously spooked when my mother wrote to me (and she never wrote, it was always my father) saying she was very worried since she'd dreamt about me - and went on to give exact details, none of which she could possibly have known. This was long before mobiles, and I didn't even have a landline at the time. The date on her letter made it clear that she'd had the dream on the same night I was in such a state.

I don't actually find it that weird any more, when you consider what a very cheap radio or mobile phone can pick up. The human brain is so complex, and AFAIK they still don't know what every last bit of it does.
The cases I know of only happened when the person involved was seriously stressed or distressed, so her ability could never have been proved under lab conditions, and of course the pooh-poohers will never believe anything that can't be proved under lab conditions.
Was just wondering whether anyone else had had similar experiences.
Pooh-poohers need not reply!

Cherrytree59 Mon 20-Feb-17 10:16:34

I sometimes get a very uncomfortable feeing that there is something wrong or untoward about to happen to some one in my close family
And I'm usually right.

On a lighter note my sister and I often buy the same birthday cards for friends & family.

harrigran Mon 20-Feb-17 10:23:19

I quite often sense when DD is ill even though she lives on another continent.
My sisters and I regularly buy the same greetings cards and often choose the same gifts when buying for birthdays. We do not have frequent contact as one lives in another country but we must have similar tastes.

Jane10 Mon 20-Feb-17 11:04:22

On two occasions I've had these acute dreams. Always about something distressing. I don't want to go into details but the fact they happened disturbed me for ages.

nanaK54 Mon 20-Feb-17 14:50:26

Many years ago my sister was living and working in UAE.
One day I had an overwhelming feeling that I should phone her - but not in UAE, at her home in Kent. I quickly dismissed this feeling and then found out the following day that she was indeed at home in Kent.
All very odd

rosesarered Mon 20-Feb-17 16:13:56

I think that there is something to telepathy having had first hand experience of it about four times in my life, a feeling of being utterly sure of something ( in two cases very unlikely things)but not knowing how you could possibly know it.Twice when a child, and twice as an adult.....all involving the same family member.Very strange.

GrandmaMoira Mon 20-Feb-17 18:02:33

My late husband and his sister both sometimes knew something which they couldn't possibly know about. They were both down-to-earth and sensible but this definitely happened.

Witzend Mon 20-Feb-17 19:35:25

I had something I thought was telepathy a few weeks ago - it wasn't, , but it was seriously weird.
A dd had been between jobs for quite some time, and had recently been for interviews for two.
Immediately before I woke up one morning I heard her voice, clear as a bell, not part of a dream, saying, 'I've been offered both those jobs, Mum!'

Just a few hours later she phoned to say she had indeed been offered both jobs, and they'd both phoned at exactly the same time. But it had only just happened, so no telepathy involved.

However Dh said that if I was now into foretelling the future, perhaps I could apply my talents to lottery numbers...

TwiceAsNice Mon 20-Feb-17 22:37:47

I could stand in the hall in our house and focus hard on the phone and make the person I was thinking about ring me but it only seemed to work with the one person. They were working away at the time and I often didn't have a number to ring them but they rang me time after time. I've also had dreams that something would happen and it has

Jane10 Tue 21-Feb-17 07:34:29

I woke up one morning, phoned in to work to say I was taking the day off to look after my sister's children as she was having her baby that day. I organised my own children and dropped them off at school and went to my sister's. They were surprised to see me. They hadn't phoned but she was in labour and were just going to call me. Right enough she had the baby that day. Two weeks early. No explanation. I just knew.

eebeew Tue 21-Feb-17 07:56:19

My mother was also very sensitive. During the war she did a bit of palm reading just for fun. But she stopped because things kept coming true exactly as she had said!
She once, aged about 4, "saw" her cousin dressed in her (Mum's) nightie and layed out on her bed dead. She announced at a family meal that this cousin was going to die. The family were very cross with her of course. But this happened soon after and she was put in Mum's nightie. Mum said she looked exactly as she had 'seen' her.
My mother had no reason at all to fabricate this.

marionsview Tue 21-Feb-17 09:51:01

I have often been asked "what did you say?" when I know all I am doing is thinking about something. I seem to think loudly! You know when you are perhaps rehearsing in your head something you might say, well when I do that someone usually hears me, not the details, they just think I spoke to them. I have also experienced it with animals, particularly some of the dogs I have had in the past. My 90 year old aunt, who has always been 'in tune' says that we all have these abilities as children but growing up we often leave them behind as nonsense.

HG15 Tue 21-Feb-17 10:36:55

My mother has has such experiences. She felt she was choking at the very moment that my granny who was her mother in law was dying. She only found out later that day that granny had died and was choking as she died. Mum is psychic anyway but had never tried to develop her powers. She lives in sheltered housing and regularly sees figures. She is not scared about it. She is the most down to earth person I know.

inishowen Tue 21-Feb-17 10:46:47

Back in 1986 I bumped into my friend and her husband in M&S. I had an overwhelming feeling of sadness as we said goodbye. A few days later he was killed in the line of duty (police officer).

More recently I had a dream that my husband was phoning me from an airport telling me about a plane crash. I told him all about the dream when I woke up. At lunch time that day we heard the news that there had been a plane crash in our country and people had died.

Blinko Tue 21-Feb-17 10:55:52

The night my MiL died, DH woke me at 4am and insisted I ring the hospital there and then. They told me she had just died. He is sure something told him...

starlily106 Tue 21-Feb-17 11:23:11

When I was a child my best friend and I used to amuse our friends by being able to say what they were holding. Mavis would hold the object, think about it and I could say what it was. We didn't cheat at all, we didn't have any code words, she would just say 'what am I holding'. All my life I have been able to tune into very close friends thoughts, and I can size people up very quickly. A few years ago my son was helping a friend with bringing some furniture up here from down south. I suddenly got a very bad feeling about my son at about 10 minutes to 2, which got worse as the day went on. The friend knocked at my door very late that night to say that at the time I got the bad feeling there was a very bad accident. The van they were in had got a puncture, so it was pulled off the road as far as possible, my son ran back up the road and put out the warning triangle, then went back to the van, climbed in and was starting to get the spare tire out when a car hit the ramp, went up into the van,and my son was catapulted out and into the field. Unfortunately, the car driver was badly injured, her husband who was in a wheelchair died and the two children in the back seat were trapped. As it happened an RAF

widgeon3 Tue 21-Feb-17 11:25:00

I was going to go swimming with my younger brother. My mother had just handed out the money when she said' Wait a minute' grabbed a pencil and paper, scribbled a message and pushed the paper into a drawer.
By the time we had reached the front door on our way out, an argument had broken out between my brother and myself and i said' I refuse to go with you'
Mother took us back to the dining room, opened the drawer and showed us the paper on which she had written, 'you two will not go swimming today'

grandmac Tue 21-Feb-17 11:27:39

On two occasions I have had an 'experience' involving my sister when she was 4,000 miles away. The first time in 1979 I had the overwhelming feeling that I should call her. In those days we never telephoned as you had to book a telephone call to the country where she was living, and it was very expensive. I did manage to book a call and when it came through she answered in floods of tears. She said she was just writing to me to tell me her beloved labrador had died. (Poisoned by neighbours who didn't like dogs she thought) So we sobbed together on the phone at £1 a minute!!
The second time in 1985 she was expecting her third child and I dreamt she was crying, sobbing and really upset and I was too. When I woke up my throat actually ached from the crying, and I told my husband about the dream. He said call her but I was too afraid to, thinking something awful had happened. Later that day we found out that she had been told the baby was in breech position and she had to have a Caesarean section, and had been up all night crying about it!! (Baby was delivered safely and all was well) I have no explanation for these occurrences and both times she was many thousand miles away. confused

starlily106 Tue 21-Feb-17 11:29:06

Fire engine was going in the opposite direction, and it stopped and helped. My son was not hurt too much, just cuts and bruises, but had to go to hospital as he couldn't remember what had happened. At the inquest, the lady driver said she had turned around to speak to the children and missed seeing the triangle, and when she turned back to face the front it was too late to avoid the crash..

jayce125 Tue 21-Feb-17 12:19:02

My first experience of this was feeling I had to visit Mum. Got there and she said the doctor had just left and had diagnosed a heart problem. This was completely out of the blue. After that I regularly felt I would telephone her usually to be told there was something wrong. In recent years I seem to be aware when my son is going to phone and my daughter to a lesser degree.

chrissyh Tue 21-Feb-17 12:41:36

When my daughter was young she woke up in the evening crying and complaining of a pain in her leg. I soothed her and got her back to sleep. A little while later I had a phone call from the station where my DH was a fireman saying he had broken his leg and had been taken to hospital. A coincidence?

albertina Tue 21-Feb-17 12:45:37

Such an interesting post !

While pregnant I often knew other women were pregnant, even if there was no outward sign.

The day I found my mother dead, somehow or other, as I drove to her house, I knew I would find her dead.

Skweek1 Tue 21-Feb-17 13:01:03

Over many years I've had a number of inexplicable experiences, but one of the most interesting was a couple of days after I first met DH. We drove out into the country, where I "saw" him in 18th century dress with a couple of what I believe were Irish Wolfhounds. At the same time he visualised me in costume of the time and we both realised that we were brother and sister in that lifetime. We are truly soulmates and know we've shared many lives. I'm not a dreamer, but early one morning I awoke knowing that there had been an accident at sea. I told my ex, who was very uncomfortable with such experiences (I even told him the precise number of missing). A little later I went down and picked up the newspaper - there was the report of the incident, with exactly the same details. Strangely, a couple of days later, the number was adjusted. A friend suggested that I may have been travelling astrally and visited the newspaper's offices, but to this day I've never experienced this type of thing again.

Witzend Tue 21-Feb-17 13:31:45

Interesting replies!
The phone seems to be a common one. Several times I've thought, I must ring so and so - either a friend I was close to but now hardly ever see since she's so far away, or a sibling - only to have the phone ring moments later with whoever it was on the other end.

Suzan05 Tue 21-Feb-17 13:49:28

In the early days of my first marriage we were driving to visit his mum, I had a vision of her telling us she had sad news, telling us that our best man's mother had died. That is exactly what happened, when she told us I was really shocked and never told anyone what I'd seen.
A few years later my first son was about a year old, I left him with his father on a Saturday afternoon while I went out to meet someone. Driving back a picture of my son in his high hair with a cut on his left cheek flashed in my mind. Again, when I got home he was with his father, in his high chair having tea........with a cut on his left cheek, he'd fallen and caught it on a toy!
This has never happened again.
My mother and father were driving from the Midlands to our home on the south coast to help look after my older two children as I was due to give birth to number three. On the way she told my father that she knew I'd had the baby and it was a little boy. When they arrived they were greeted by the children telling them they had a baby brother who had been born just turned six that morning. My husband didn't let them know leaving it as a surprise!
Strange these all happened while driving!