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are you welcoming the rain today

(30 Posts)
travelsafar Tue 28-Apr-20 10:44:31

So pleased we have some rain today. It is a gentle fall not the kind which bounces back up from the paths. It will do the garden the world of good and refresh everything, including weeds unfortunately, but we needed it. I only said yesterday that i had noticed large cracks forming at the edges of our lawns so hopefully the rain will refresh the lawn and help rejuvenate the soil. The birds are loving it, they are preening and splashing in my bird bath. smile

Redhead56 Tue 28-Apr-20 18:33:41

I have enjoyed tending the veg patch sewing seeds feeding the birds getting out of the house. Having lunch and a little cider in the garden has been lovely. The rain means sitting indoors listening to BBC news or Radio Merseyside my husband has on while making models. We usually have long miserable winters we need the sun to brighten everything up. My freckles have joined up so I now have a tan I never have a tan. Now my hair has gone really light with the constant sunshine. My family won't recognise me when they see me when lock down ends. Our son has three year old twins and our daughter has a toddler it's been a pleasure getting videos of them playing in their gardens. Everyone benefits being able to go out on a sunny day. My heart goes out to people especially families with no outside space. Bring on the sunshine it maybe all we have to look forward to this year.

harrigran Tue 28-Apr-20 18:59:07

No rain in the NE but too cool to be outside, more like February weather.

SalsaQueen Tue 28-Apr-20 19:01:42

I'm glad I did 3 loads of washing and got it dry yesterday........

the birds here have been splashing about in the birdbath. I love seeing them do that. My bulbs in the garden are being watered without me having to go and do it.

Jabberwok Tue 28-Apr-20 19:03:31

I'm really pleased to see the rain, but not ALL day nonstop!!!!