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Can someone please explain

(29 Posts)
Anneishere Sun 28-Feb-21 07:15:16

I just don’t understand why People have now been added on the high risk category list even though they have been vaccinated? I was led to believe once vaccinated you are protected- otherwise what’s the point?

Alegrias1 Sun 28-Feb-21 19:47:59


MOnica I checked this site.”We don’t have good evidence yet whether the Astra Zenica/Pfizer vaccine is effective against the Brazil variant” is what it says. It may indeed be effective but there is not enough evidence to state this. I hope it is.

Actually what it says Greeneyedgirl is

"We don’t yet have good evidence on how effective the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine is against the Brazilian variant."

Subtle but important difference.

Greeneyedgirl Sun 28-Feb-21 20:20:02

Yes, as usual Alegrias1 you are correct smile. It was remiss of me not to notice they had posted this under the Pfizer vacc. I don’t think it’s necessarily bad news if vaccines are not quite as effective because I guess they will be constantly tweaking to keep pace.

Alegrias1 Sun 28-Feb-21 20:32:15

My middle name is "pedantic" grin

They say the same thing about both the Oxford and the Pfizer variant.