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Is it time the rest of the world stopped following America into war?

(30 Posts)
Dinahmo Fri 27-Aug-21 12:00:30

The Americans went to war in Vietnam in order to halt the spread of communism. They went to war in Iraq because of WMD and they went to war in Afghanistan because the Taliban wouldn't hand over Osama bin Laden. None of them particularly good reasons I think.

After Vietnam we thought "Never Again". We thought the same after Iraq. No WMD were found although there are rumours that they were found but nothing mentioned because they were of American origin.

And now, 20 years after the Americans trying to get one man (which they supposedly did in Pakistan) we are witnessing the terrible aftermath.

"According to the Costs of War project at Brown University, the war killed 51,613 Afghan civilians in Afghanistan. However, the death toll is possibly higher due to unaccounted deaths by "disease, loss of access to food, water, infrastructure, and/or other indirect consequences of the war".[101][60] A report titled Body Count put together by Physicians for Social Responsibility, Physicians for Global Survival and International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) concluded that 106,000–170,000 civilians have been killed as a result of the fighting in Afghanistan at the hands of all parties to the conflict."

It's about time the rest of the world stopped supporting the US in their efforts to change situations that they don't like.

Namsnanny Fri 27-Aug-21 15:57:43


And there’s more ? China have bought the rights to the 2nd largest copper mine in the world ( in Afghanistan)
You couldn’t make it up, could you.
But I’m sure Jo has a cunning plan, as Baldrick would say ?

I thought that deal didn't go through MerylStreep?

Katie59 Fri 27-Aug-21 20:38:43

The US will continue to ask western nations to help uphold “freedom” as it sees it, the UK will remain in the forefront, our aircraft carrier Queen Elizabeth is taking part in operations in the Pacific at present. If trouble starts we will be in the thick of it, there really is no alternative, hopefully the US has learned, “Don’t get involved in internal politics”, it better to aid development in exchange for economic benefits, as China does.

M0nica Sat 28-Aug-21 08:13:51

^ it better to aid development in exchange for economic benefits, as China does.^

Is that what you think the Chinese are doing? the Chinese are building an empire the way the Americans and British did in their time, by domination followinging trade. African countries are granting Chinese corporations control of large areas of their economies. The Chinese are running their businesses without regard to human rights and they will get so much control over the economies of countries that these countries cannot do other than what the Chinese want, whether votes in International bodies like the UN, to Chinese compliant reports by organisations like the WHO.

The empire the Chinese will establish will make the two that preceded it, American and British, despite their excesses look benevolent in comparison. Want proof? Look at what happened to Tibet and is happening to the Uighurs.

Katie59 Wars, except civil and small scale guerilla operations, fought by forces on the ground are just so old-fashioned. As the US operations overnight shows. It just needs a man, sitting in comfort in Kansas, or Seattle or Atlanta, with a computer and a weaponised drone to take out the leader of a group with the precision of a sniper.

M0nica Sat 28-Aug-21 08:15:38

I should have said '...leader of a group 8,000 miles away with the precision....'