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The 10 best pushchairs for newborns

pushchairs for newborns

Choosing the right pushchair for a growing family should be easy, right? But, as you may well remember from days gone by, the world of travel systems and buggies can be a bit of a minefield. In our mission to help parents and grandparents prepare for a new arrival, we've spent weeks researching and testing the best prams and travel systems on the market. Here are our pushchair reviews.


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What to consider before buying a pushchair

1. It'll need to have a lie-flat seat

To use a pushchair in the first six months of a baby's life, you'll either need a carrycot to attach to the chassis or a seat that will lie completely flat. A lie-flat pram will support the baby's spine and help to keep their airwaves open. Prams that can be used with both a carrycot and baby car seat are known as 3-in-1 travel systems.

While there a whole host of different prams on the market, not all of them will be suitable for newborn babies - some won't be compatible with a carrycot or have a lie-flat seat, which means that they can only be used from six months plus. 

For a pram to stay useful for more than six months, it should have a roomy seat (maybe even a reversible one), be comfortable and easy to push, and manage the terrain covered in everyday life, be it pavement, grass or hills. It helps if it doesn't take over an entire hallway too. And if you're a grandparent on childcare duty and have a car, you probably want it to fit in your car boot.


2. Your budget

Prices vary wildly depending on make and performance. If you're looking to gift a pram to the expectant parent(s), you can get a decent travel system suitable for a newborn for around £300. Expect to pay nearer £1000 if you're after a designer brand with all the bells and whistles.

3. How will it be stored?

Some travel systems are built for comfort but not for small homes – or small cars for that matter. So have a think about where the travel system will be kept before buying one.

If the pushchair needs to be carried up and down flights of stairs regularly, you'll also need something small and lightweight. 


4. Where will it be used?

Some prams are designed for public transport, but some are definitely not. If the plan is to use public transport every week, a lightweight buggy with a lie-flat seat and easy fold could be the best option. 

Equally, if you're after something suitable for country life, or think there will be a lot of time spent on trails and footpaths, a nifty lightweight buggy with tiny wheels and no suspension might not be the right fit.


Need more information? Our buyer's guides to travel systems and buggies are here to help.


How did we find the best pushchairs on the market?

Mumsnet Reviews aims to combine the wisdom of the forums with expert advice and real-life testing. To find the best pushchairs on the market, we spent hours trawling the Talk boards to understand what buggies and travel systems parents and grandparents rate. Correlating our findings with expert recommendations and bestseller lists, we divided the top-performing products into three categories: lightweight buggies, travel systems and double buggies. Then we enlisted three families to push these buggies to the limit.

In 77 days of testing with over 154 hours of road time, the testers folded, unfolded, pulled, stretched, spilled, washed and covered over 80km with each pushchair, scoring them on six key areas: safety and stability, assembly, day-to-day use, cleanliness, aesthetics and value for money.

Five top pushchairs in each category were awarded a Mumsnet Best Badge – these are the products that we felt offered the best value for money for most families. Drawing from these three category lists, here's our round-up of the best pushchairs on the market right now.


The 10 best pushchairs suitable for use with a newborn

1. Bugaboo Cameleon 3

Bugaboo Cameleon 3

Flexible, customisable and oh-so-trendy, the Bugaboo Cameleon 3 is comfort and style rolled into one. Weighing under 10kg and suitable from birth to three-years-old, this is a great choice for parents who will be doing a lot of walking. We awarded it Best Pushchair 2018.


What we like about the Cameleon 3

  • Lightweight aluminium frame
  • Swivel wheels (only the front wheels, but rear wheels are large) and all-wheel suspension
  • Easy to switch between parent- and world-facing


Great for parents who

  • Are expecting to do a lot of walking in towns or the countryside
  • Don't expect to use public transport all of the time
  • Have a reasonable amount of storage space at home or in the car


Product information

  • Weight: 9.6kg
  • World-facing: Yes
  • Parent-facing: Yes
  • Car seat compatible: Yes (with adaptors)
  • Wheels: Foam-filled
  • Price: £759 from Amazon (includes base unit, carry cot, seat unit, fabrics and shopping basket)


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2. Babyzen Yoyo+

babyzen yoyo buggy

Tiny but incredibly comfortable, the Babyzen Yoyo+ is ideal for city living. Weighing in at only 6.7kg, it's one of the lightest travel systems on the market, and with the newborn pack it offers all the flexibility of a larger travel system without taking up too much of your hallway.


What we like about the Babyzen Yoyo+

  • The chassis folds down so small that it can be taken as hand luggage on most flights
  • Large sun canopy
  • Quick one-handed fold (once you get the hang of it)
  • Multiple seat recline options offering good longevity


Great for parents who

  • Use public transport regularly
  • Live in a small house or apartment
  • Like to travel light


Product information

  • Weight: 6.2kg
  • World-facing: Yes
  • Parent-facing: Yes but only with newborn pack
  • Car seat compatible: Yes (with adaptors)
  • Wheels: Rubber
  • Price: £389 from John Lewis & Partners (includes frame, 6 month+ seat, basket and rain cover)


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Buy now from John Lewis & Partners


3. Joie Chrome DLX

Joie Chrome DLX

Sturdy and dependable, the Joie Chrome DLX is a great pushchair at a very reasonable price. Bought with the newborn carrycot and Joie car seat, you’ll still manage to get it for under £500.


What we like about the the Joie Chrome DLX

  • Doesn't topple easily
  • Very easy to fold
  • All-wheel suspension


Great for parents who

  • Are expecting to do a lot of walking
  • Are light users of public transport
  • Have a reasonable amount of storage space at home or in the car


Product information

  • Weight: 12.7 kg
  • World-facing: Yes
  • Parent-facing: Yes
  • Car seat compatible: Yes (with adaptors)
  • Wheels: Rubber, foam-filled rear tyres
  • Price: £299.99 from Very (with carrycot)


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4. Mountain Buggy Swift

Mountain Buggy Swift

The ultimate off-road buggy, this rugged-looking three-wheeler is every bit as stylish as it is practical. Weighing only 9.1kg, the chassis is lightweight without compromising on comfort and narrow enough to cope with the odd bus trip.


What we like about the Mountain Buggy Swift

  • The freestanding fold
  • Easy-to-use handbrake


Great for parents who

  • Expect to spend a lot of time in the countryside/off-roading
  • Don't use public transport very often
  • Have a reasonable amount of storage space


Product information

  • Weight: 9kg
  • World-facing: Yes
  • Parent facing: Yes (only with newborn carrycot)
  • Car seat compatible: Yes (with adaptors)
  • Wheels: Air-filled
  • Price: £349 from Amazon (includes frame and seat. Newborn carrycot £139)


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5. Bugaboo Bee 5

Bugaboo Bee 5

The Bugaboo Bee 5 is a stylish model which should last well into the toddler years thanks to its toddler seat suitable up to age four. While it may not fare well in the muddy terrains of a woodland walk, in cities and on public transport this lightweight pushchair is the stuff of urban dreams.


What we like about the Bugaboo Bee 5

  • Easy to switch between parent- and world-facing
  • Height adjustable handlebars


Great for parents who

  • Plan to use public transport regularly
  • Live in a place where space comes at a premium
  • Like to travel light


Product information

  • Weight: 9.46kg
  • World-facing: Yes
  • Parent-facing: Yes
  • Car seat compatible: Yes (with adaptors)
  • Wheels: Foam-filled
  • Price: £689 from John Lewis & Partners (includes frame and 6 months + seat. Newborn carrycot £130, or newborn cocoon £89.95)


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Buy now from John Lewis & Partners


6. iCandy Orange

iCandy Orange

This is a sturdy and stylish pram system that is designed to grow with a growing family. The seat can be used in a whopping 30 combinations and a second seat can be added to convert it to a double buggy if needed. It has a large basket and comes with a buggy board that can hold a nine-year-old.


What we like about the iCandy Orange

  • Flexible seating
  • Freestanding fold
  • Carrycot included as standard


Great for parents who

  • Have, or are planning to have, two children in quick succession
  • Have a decent amount of storage space
  • Want a double pushchair that is compact enough for towns but can also cope with a little bit of off-roading


Product information

  • Weight: 12.1kg (with one seat)
  • World-facing: Yes
  • Parent-facing: Yes
  • Car seat compatible: Yes (with adaptors included with the pram)
  • Wheels: Puncture-resistant
  • Price: £750 from Uber Kids (includes chassis, seat, carrycot, rain cover, car seat adaptors)


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7. Maxi-Cosi Laika

Maxi-Cosi Laika

Another great example of a lightweight buggy that is travel system compatible. The Maxi-Cosi Laika is a small but stylish world-facing and parent-facing pushchair with some nice quality finishes making it ideal for families who live in busy towns or cities.


What we like about the Maxi-Cosi Laika

  • Tight turning circle
  • Adjustable foot rest
  • Compact fold

Great for parents who

  • Plan to use public transport regularly
  • Live in a place where space is a premium
  • Travel light

Product information 

  • Weight: 7.45kg
  • World facing: Yes
  • Parent facing: With newborn carrycot
  • Car seat compatible: Yes (Only with Maxi-Cosi car seats)
  • Wheels: Plastic
  • Price: £249 from John Lewis & Partners (includes rain cover and Maxi-Cosi car seat adaptors. Newborn carrycot £99)


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Buy now from John Lewis & Partners


8. iCandy Peach Blossom Twin

iCandy Peach Blossom Twin

When it comes to tandem pushchairs, it can be hard to beat the versatility of the iCandy Peach Blossom Twin. Like the iCandy Orange, the Peach offers bags of options on which way the seats face, and the tandem design makes narrow aisles and buses manageable.


What we like about the iCandy Peach

  • Freestanding when folded
  • Narrow enough to fit on the bus
  • Sturdy

Great for parents who

  • Want to use public transport fairly regularly
  • Want the flexibility to convert from single to double pushchair

Product information

  • Weight: 14.9kg
  • World-facing: Yes
  • Parent-facing: Yes
  • Car seat compatible: Yes (with adaptors)
  • Wheels: Puncture-proof rubber tyres
  • Total price: £990 from Samuel Johnston (includes one chassis, two seats, two carrycots, two rain covers and car seat adaptors)


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Buy now Samuel Johnston


9. Out n About Nipper Double

Out n About Nipper Double

It's absolutely essential that a side-by-side double buggy has sensitive steering and is easy to fold. The Out n About Nipper Double does both superbly. It's a smooth ride for passengers and parent/grandparent, and perfect for long walks in the park or countryside.

What we like about the Out n About Nipper Double

  • Pneumatic tyres and all-wheel suspension
  • Easy-to-use foot brake

Great for parents who

  • Want a buggy that can handle rough terrain
  • Don't plan to use public transport regularly

Product information


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10. Bugaboo Donkey 2

Bugaboo Donkey 2

The Bugaboo Donkey 2 has a unique expandable chassis which converts it from a single to double pushchair fairly easily. As well as plenty of flexibility, the Donkey 2 offers lots of on-board storage space – handy if there are two children in tow.


What we like about the Bugaboo Donkey

  • Unique design
  • Narrow for a side-by-side buggy

Great for parents who

  • Don't plan to use public transport regularly
  • Live in a town or city
  • Want the flexibility to switch from single to double

Product information

  • Weight: 13kg (with one seat)
  • World-facing: Yes
  • Parent-facing: Yes
  • Car seat compatible: Yes
  • Wheels: Air-filled tyres
  • Price: £1,654 for twin set from Mamas and Papas (includes frame, two seats and two carrycots.)
    £1,179 for mono set from Mamas and Papas (includes chassis, one carrycot, one seat)


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Buy now from Mamas and Papas


Prices correct as of 19/02/19


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