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Change name problem

(57 Posts)
soontobe Sat 24-Jan-15 13:01:23

I am trying to change my username.

I am either doing it wrong, or there is a problem.
I cannot wipe out this name and put a new name in the username box.

or shall I just email gransnet HQ?

Anya Sun 25-Jan-15 09:15:33

Yes, doesn't she think the English ones offer enough choice?

annodomini Sun 25-Jan-15 10:45:51

I got 'busted' when someone recognised me by certain details I gave in a post. I did change my name, though I think I was still recognisable. I am a little more careful now, but some things are likely to leak out, especially if one has been around the block - not saying that I have, of course.

Grannyknot Sun 25-Jan-15 11:38:30

I think we've had a discussion about this before, in the light of there having been a time when anyone who wished to, could change their names willy-nilly.

So ... given that things have changed since I signed up, which means that I'm now registered under T & C' s that I didn't sign up to, I'll have to have a think.

Ariadne Sun 25-Jan-15 12:00:30

I haven't noticed any personal information in your posts, sootobe - all I know about you (as opposed to what I assume) is that you are a Christian.

soontobe Sun 25-Jan-15 13:04:03

Yes, thanks. It probably isnt much really.

henetha Sun 25-Jan-15 13:19:55

I rather like your name, soontobe... it's intruiging.