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Matador gored to death

(43 Posts)
NanKate Mon 11-Jul-16 21:17:25

I have not one jot of sorrow for the matador who was gored to death in Spain on Saturday. This was broadcast on live tv.

If you stick blades into a bull and cause it untold pain what can you expect. I hope the bull was put down humanely, but I have my doubts.

Stop thus cruel sport NOW.

merlotgran Tue 12-Jul-16 16:37:20

What's a rogue fox?

ginny Tue 12-Jul-16 16:41:01

Feel sorry for his family but it was a chance he took. I can't understand why anyone would enjoy watching it.

granjura Tue 12-Jul-16 16:51:35

One which has decided to take free range chickens rather than hunt for other foods which are more difficult to get. As a country girl, I'm sure you know that.

However, in Geneva, they wouldn't cull first- they would discuss how to take every sensible measure to protect the chickens and deter the fox first.

merlotgran Tue 12-Jul-16 16:54:48

As a country girl I know that all foxes have the same instincts.

breeze Tue 12-Jul-16 17:04:48

No sympathy for him. Some sympathy for his family. And utter disgust at blood sports. To kill/torture an animal for sport is cruel and revolting. I could say more but it upsets me too much.

granjura Tue 12-Jul-16 17:06:32

Of course - So a good idea to have expert advice on proper protection to deter them- so they go hunting vermin instead of chickens. Poor husbandry is the fox's best friend. (as I know, I lost our chickens when I forgot to close the chicken house one night- MY fault).

Anniebach Tue 12-Jul-16 17:13:15

All foxes would kill chickens , it's natural instinct

Elegran Tue 12-Jul-16 17:14:52

I don't think foxes know the difference between a pampered free-range chicken and a pigeon. Both are food - if they can catch it, they will. In the fox world, all food is fair game and belongs to the first creature to swallow it.

petra Tue 12-Jul-16 17:32:02

The Spanish are prosecuting everyone who tweets, Facebook offensive language.

Spangles1963 Tue 12-Jul-16 17:40:02

I don't care whether it is that country's tradition or custom,it is still barbaric. I feel a little sorry for his wife,but NO sympathy for him at all. You reap what you sow. You dish it out,you have to be able to take it back. He must have known the risks. Frankly,he got no less than he deserved.

Riverwalk Tue 12-Jul-16 18:06:18

Of course very sad for the young man and his family but it was his choice.

It's not like it's a 'fair' fight - the bull is stabbed in the neck with metal spikes before the matador takes him on.

And I didn't know until recently that a winning bull who injures the matador doesn't even live to fight another day or get a reprieve - they are immediately slaughtered.

All a bit sick, particularly as it's entertainment and an arena for a young man to show his 'bravery'.

GandTea Tue 12-Jul-16 18:17:17

If they want to fight bulls there should be a level playing field as in Course camarguaise in France. The bulls are the heroes and are revered. The matadors are the prey (and IMO bloody stupid)

Smileless2012 Wed 13-Jul-16 18:59:47

Like so many of you, I've no sympathy for the matador. The torture of those magnificent beasts is abhorrent. They are injured to make the matadors 'job' of killing them easier.

As for his family, well yes it's terrible to lose a loved one but I wouldn't condone any member of my family indulging in such a sadistic 'sport'.

I didn't know that Riverwalk but now I do, it makes bullfighting all the more repulsive, not that it wasn't repulsive anyway.

Lisalou Sat 16-Jul-16 07:22:05

I also detest this "sport", for lack of a better word. I live in Catalonia (north east of Spain) and am happy to say that bullfighting was banned in this are by local government, as it was before in Canary Islands in the nineties.
I would really love to see it disappear totally, but cannot see this happening in Madrid or Andalucia (south of Spain) it is just too popular and unfortunately, gives work to a great many people.
Thing is, culling is not an issue, as these animals are bred specifically for the sport, great bloodlines are sought after in breeding programs and it moves tons of money.

watermeadow Sun 17-Jul-16 18:59:05

Killing for fun is barbaric.
So is mutilating puppies by cutting off their tails. It's been illegal for 25 years but is still commonly done, like fox hunting, but there is no attempt at upholding the law.

Elegran Mon 18-Jul-16 09:32:43

I've never seen a dog with its tail docked, watermeadow so it must be more common where you are. You should report all cases that you know of to the RSPCA or the police, so that the law CAN be upheld. If it is not reported, they don't know to follow it up.

Elegran Mon 18-Jul-16 09:51:21

I've had a look for facts about tail-docking legislation. It is illegal in England and Wales, except for certain breeds, and totally banned in Scotland. "In England, the puppies must be one of the following listed breeds: HPR breed of any type or combination; spaniel of any type or combination of type; terriers of any type or combination of type.

However, in Wales, combinations of breeds (ie. cross breeds) cannot be docked, only the individual pure breeds. Furthermore, in Scotland, tail docking is completely banned, without exception"


"the vet will ask you to sign a statement declaring the dog whose tail is to be docked will be used for one of the following: a) law enforcement; b) activities of HM Armed Forces; c) emergency rescue; d) lawful pest control; e) the lawful shooting of animals." (and evidence shown) That is, dogs working in conditions where a luxuriant tail is likely to be in danger, much as long flowing hair is a danger to humans working near machinery.

The operation must be done within five days of birth before the nervous system is fully developed.

The legislation is at UK Tail Docking legislation as at May 2007