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I've had the most extraordinary conversation

(53 Posts)
petitpois Wed 28-Feb-18 14:51:50

Yesterday I got chatting to a friend of a friend who I bumped into at a local supermarket. We were talking about a mutual friend who's going to be a grandmother soon and she commented that she would have been a grandmother years earlier but her at that time quite young daughter had decided not to go through with the pregnancy. That was fair enough but then she said her husband (the grandfather) never knew!! Now, I understand it's sometimes easier to say things to strangers but I'm not a complete stranger and it's quite likely I'll meet this man (and possibly even the daughter) at some stage. In fact she laughed and said something like 'don't mention it if you meet him, haha.' I felt a bit awkward and didn't know what to say. AIBU or is that a pretty big secret to keep in a family?

EmilyHarburn Fri 02-Mar-18 11:29:53

Your friend let slip a family secret without thinking because she was talking about being a grand mother and she felt absolutely relaxed with you. Hence the 'Ahah' when she realised her mistake.

You will have no reason when meeting her husband to talk about such intimate things with him. So hopefully you will put it out of your mind. Personal decisions by family members are their own private business. By mistake your friend voice a thought that came into her head as she was talking to you. Hopefully you have enough discretion never to pass on the information you were given by mistake.

codfather Sun 04-Mar-18 00:07:26

I daresay that over the years, I've come across many secrets that should stay that way. We all have secrets that we don't want to be spread around but need to share. Never betray a confidence! You can be sure that if you do, you will suffer.