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AIBU to think this is totally unnecessary?

(107 Posts)
nixon Wed 27-Jun-18 14:21:05

I understand that it is hot and there is a heatwave and all that but is it really necessary to do your shopping in the high street while topless? I am talking about a man, I think we might all agree that a woman topless in a high street would be inappropriate. But queueing in the post office and supermarket with a man wearing only shorts and flip flops (and shorts pulled down rather low at that) just feels wrong. Do what you want in the garden or even the park. But in the high street should we not cover up a bit? What's appropriate for sunbathing or the beach doesn't make it right to go to the bank etc

Fennel Thu 05-Jul-18 09:02:46

What about sunhats? I think you need to cover your head in the sun. Especially bald men.
My Grandpa went bald at an early age and did a lot of gardening, when he always wore a hankie tied in a knot at each corner on his bald head.
As I've already mentioned, I've got fair skin and always cover up since I had a small melanoma on my arm.

Synonymous Thu 05-Jul-18 23:17:27

Bellanonna I had forgotten the straw hat! Those were the days - when there were gentlemen about who would doff their hat to the ladies. Probably get done for sexual harassment nowadays. sad

Fennel Fri 06-Jul-18 09:35:36

grin my husband wears a straw hat in the sun, and I have a couple of cotton hats with brims that shade my face.

Elrel Fri 06-Jul-18 12:46:28

Yesterday I got on a late and crowded bus, a topless young man immediately leapt up to offer his seat.

Namsnanny Sat 07-Jul-18 00:51:24


How lovely of him!!

The seat wasn't oily or sweaty was it....just thinking smile

Elrel Sat 07-Jul-18 01:26:57

The seat was perfectly normal!