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AIBU to feel offended

(79 Posts)
Milly12 Sun 24-Feb-19 17:20:45

My DD had her first baby last summer and I have run off my feet babysitting and generally helping out. She relies heavily on my help but whatever I do she constantly criticises me and tells me I am doing things wrong. I am not the most confident of people and I feel she is constantly undermining me. I know there have been significant changes in the way babies are bought up and I generally check on the internet to check I am doing things the right way but whatever I do never seems good enough for her!

annodomini Wed 27-Feb-19 10:49:31

When mine were little, both sets of GPs lived too far away to be able to help out and the same has been the case with my DSs' families. We managed and so have they. I didn't start part-time work until DS2 was almost 2, and that was teaching evening classes, gradually increasing until I had three part-time jobs. The GPs were frequent and welcome visitors but that's what they were. If we and our DSs families could mange without the support of GPs, I fail to see why so many grans are so easily imposed on.

Witzend Wed 27-Feb-19 12:27:20

I had no GP help either - we always lived far too far away in any case, but I didn't work when dds were very small.

I think the difference now, in many cases, is the huge increase in house prices, relative to incomes, at least anywhere in the SE. Both parents need to work in order to be able to buy even a very modest property. And many of those count themselves lucky to be able to buy any home and be paying their own mortgage, rather than a landlord's.

My dds have had to pay (relative to incomes) a lot more for less 'desirable' houses than dh and I were able to afford, on one salary, at a rather younger age.

Susiewakie Fri 08-Mar-19 06:39:28

I sympathise my daughter was awful with the first one I did everything wrong ! Baby led weaning etc came to s head one day in mothercare ! She spoke to me like I was dirt so I went out to my car crying and drove home ! She was totally shocked we had a big chat and things improved ..When number 2 arrived I helped when needed only and now have them on a Wednesday daytime and occasionally overnight or bsbysit so try and talk to her the DCD 's are worth it xx