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BBQ lockdown

(117 Posts)
Nanderin Sat 30-May-20 14:59:42

My next door neighbour decided it's okay to have a BBQ today with more than 8 people. Definitely not a meter apart. What is wrong with people it's far too early to lift lockdown.angry

MissAdventure Sun 31-May-20 14:38:49

I think I can smell them from here, grannygravy smile

I love a barby.

Jishere Sun 31-May-20 14:50:45

Deffo with BlueBelle on this one. We have been told a gathering of 8 is ok why Monday? Who knows? But, is a few more really going to make a lot of difference?
If we have a returned peak or have to lockdown again, it will be later on as time goes by when lots more people are back to work. Enjoy the weather, too nice to be counting your neighbour's visitors.

GrannyGravy13 Sun 31-May-20 14:50:53

You are welcome MissA ???

Lorelei Sun 31-May-20 14:51:56

I'm with the majority and fear the second wave will be as bad or worse as the idiots are out in force. Some of us have been in our homes for months already and dread further months of being confined indoors, especially with the beautiful weather. I can't even get into our communal garden as the neighbours are not only out there mingling and having BBQs with each other, but have all the kids mixing and have invited their respective friends and family to join them. I would hazard a guess that another neighbour who, like me, has had to be shielded, will be as unimpressed as I am. Unfortunately their is no cure for stupidity. @Nanderin your anger is understandable - here's hoping you can soon enjoy some peace and quiet safely in your garden without having to see or hear inconsiderate neighbours.

TanaMa Sun 31-May-20 15:17:02

After reading peoples' nightmares with BBQs causing smoke and smells I feel so glad that I don't have any near neighbours. Hate the smell at the best if times but when you can't get away from it, it must be truly horrific!

Tedd1 Sun 31-May-20 15:30:14

In relation to crowded beaches and parks, couldn't the police provide a low-key presence? I am also concerned and having just been out for my daily walk, saw little evidence of social distancing

MadCatWoman1 Sun 31-May-20 15:33:37

THIS is the real problem, and this is when the police should
be called

Jaycee5 Sun 31-May-20 15:35:02

Numbers have already started to increase and the real second wave (or spike as it is likely to be) hasn't happened yet.
I agree though with people saying that we can't do anything about neighbours that choose to do this.
Neighbours across the road from me had a birthday party in their front garden yesterday. I only noticed because I looked to see where the booming music was coming from (that kind that all you hear is the base).
It was annoying but getting annoyed would bother me more than them and I'm definitely not going to say anything. I don't know them.
I'm going out for a walk this afternoon but I should be able to avoid going near anyone. There isn't really anywhere that nice to go to without going on a bus so it's just walking around streets. At least a bit of fresh air though.

sharon103 Sun 31-May-20 15:43:16

Nanny100 Sun 31-May-20 11:00:17

Thanks for sharing that lovely painting.
It touched my heart.

dragonfly46 Sun 31-May-20 15:43:42

We must be lucky as everyone here is obeying the rules and then some. No barbecues so far and very few visitors.

GrannyGravy13 Sun 31-May-20 15:46:37

We drove the whole length of our seafront this morning (Chalkwell to Shoeburyness) there were plenty of beach wardens in high viz ensuring Social Distancing on the beaches, in the queues for the public lavatories and the food outlets. Was very impressed, but sons garden was the place for us, no hugs with him, his wife or our GC. Just lovely to see them in the flesh as opposed to FaceTime ?

Jennyluck Sun 31-May-20 16:43:14

We live opposite a park, surrounded by woods. A lovely local beauty spot. Last night it was rammed with teenagers Drinking , taking drugs, bbqs and generally having a good time. They left loads of rubbish behind. I think i missed the announcement that it was ok for large groups to meet up:

Jishere Sun 31-May-20 16:46:30

Deffo madcatwoman though incredibly sad on the police, just like the protests against lock down in London the other week!

GrauntyHelen Sun 31-May-20 17:07:58

I honestly cannot believe how stupid people are give them an inch ...

GreenGran78 Sun 31-May-20 17:26:19

harrigran I agree about BBQs. I just don't see the point of them when you have a perfectly good cooker. A combination of hot weather, flies and undercooked chicken is a recipe for disaster. Many people are very unskilled at cooking alfresco. I certainly don't enjoy eating part raw/part burned food.

As for inflicting the smell on your neighbours while breaking the social distancing rules, you are certainly not being unreasonable.

Bluecat Sun 31-May-20 17:31:10

The Daily Mash sells a t shirt that says "Barbecues Are Shit." I've often thought of buying one.

Happyme Sun 31-May-20 17:35:17

Well I am looking forward to our family bbq tomorrow, all 6 of us, first time our grandchildren will have visited since lockdown and I can't wait. Just hoping the good weather lasts. Will be putting a paddling pool out for the little ones to enjoy while we have a good catch up. Our lovely neighbours will no doubt have a chat over the fence, just a shame we won't be able to pass them a beef burger.

Jishere Sun 31-May-20 17:47:08

Enjoy Happyme we had ours yesterday and was lovely to see my GCs beautiful few hours for all, paddling pool is a must.
Luckily big garden so we were able to maintain social distance. Oops I know it was two days early and we had 10 but does my 16 year old nephew who was only came out for 10 minutes count? So 9 in total but not all adults.??

Grandma70s Sun 31-May-20 17:54:21

I first came across barbecues many years ago in Australia, and decided they were a way of getting the men to do the cooking.

jerseygirl Sun 31-May-20 18:03:23

It smells, its disgusting and i don't know why people do it either. I hate bbq's even going to them is a nightmare. Smoke everywhere and the smell -awful!! There's lots here. You have to bring washing in , bring yourselves in , bring the dog in and close all the windows and doors. Nightmare!!

GrannyGravy13 Sun 31-May-20 18:28:09

Warning to S E Essex MrGG13 is Barbecuing as I post - no plumes of smoke just a light aroma of rosemary, lemon and lamb ????‍♀️

Oopsminty Sun 31-May-20 18:38:57

How wonderful to find people that dislike the stench of a barbecue!

I thought it was just me

We live a mile from the beach and apparently we had 100+ cars down there having a rave. Police sent them packing.

123kitty Sun 31-May-20 18:56:13

I shall be so glad when this virus is over, gransnet has become so boring.

westwoodirene1215 Sun 31-May-20 18:59:05

Not a bbq but our next door neighbour has spent every weekend and the bank holiday breaking up giant stones in his garden. All day every day with something that sounds like a road breaker and no it would be no use talking to him he’s a law to himself

Jishere Sun 31-May-20 19:06:46

Grannygravy13 that sounds lovely. Hope your DH knows his new nickname!??