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AIBU The problem I have with my husband exercising in our flat

(34 Posts)
Redhead56 Sun 17-Jan-21 15:45:50

It's really good he is wanting to exercise as it's good for everyone especially after an operation. But expecting you to sit there in case he feels ill is ridiculous attention seeking behaviour.
Why can't he walk around the block A gentle walk is beneficial. I would get on with jobs as others have suggested or go to the bedroom and I would ignore the moaning.

Blossoming Sun 17-Jan-21 15:36:52

As someone who has had to do indoor physio exercises every day for the last 20 years I sympathise with both of you. I think people have given good advice, if he moans about you not exercising point out that you are performing functional exercise as you do the housework.

Daisymae Sun 17-Jan-21 15:36:44

Noise cancelling headphones should do the trick.

Galaxy Sun 17-Jan-21 15:34:08

Crikey I would be running as fast as I possibly can if anyone asked me to stay in the room with them when I didnt want to.

fevertree Sun 17-Jan-21 15:30:11

Watch something on your tablet or laptop with earphones in, and tell him to raise his hand to attract your attention should he need it!

NotSpaghetti Sun 17-Jan-21 15:27:30

I know it's annoying as you said so. I find it annoying when my husband's on the exercise bike. I think I'd use the opportunity to prepare dinner or iron or whatever you can do in there that isn't relaxing!
Be thankful you have him and that he wants to get better/fitter.

Good luck.

EllanVannin Sun 17-Jan-21 15:25:05

I'd have used the rolling pin before now and it wouldn't have involved baking !

AGAA4 Sun 17-Jan-21 15:19:15

Is this for just a short time every day Altissimma? Maybe just an hour or so?
It is good that he is exercising especially if he needs to because of knee surgery. I can understand how difficult it can be if you only have a small flat.
I would just go into your bedroom and read and if he is worried that he may feel ill while you are not there give him a bell or something that would alert you.

Altissimma Sun 17-Jan-21 15:08:25

We live in a very small flat, our living room is a kitchen/diner/lounge so I only have the bedrooms to 'escape' to. I find it difficult to stay in the living room whilst he’s exercising. He has a regime of seated exercises that he does every other day, on the off days he's doing knee exercises post knee surgery.

He does the seated equivalent of 'marching on the spot' and we have wooden floors to this, in itself, is noisy! He’s forcing himself, while exercising, to get his heart rate up. Whilst that’s commendable, for me in the same room, I can’t watch TV or read, or use my laptop as he’s so loud and, to put not to fine a point on it, he sounds like he’s performing a sex act!

I have two options, to either:
* go into the bedroom and read or watch TV while he’s exercising
* stay in the living room trying to watch TV or using my laptop but then I end up saying “oh gawd” to the ‘phew’ and puffing he does while he’s exercising.

Then he moans at me for not staying in the room or for criticising the noise he’s making and then moans about the fact that I don’t exercise. Like doing housework: changing the beds, hoovering, washing the wood and tile floors, cleaning the bathrooms (we have an en-suite meaning extra loo rolls and extra toilet cleaning) putting washing on and taking the rubbish out doesn’t get my heart rate up - I’m actually much more healthy than he is. He does try to help as he'll wash up ("let's not use the dishwasher as there's just the two of us") and make meals, but all the other housework just wouldn’t get done if I didn’t do it. His excuse for wanting me to stay in the room is that, if he started to feel ill, I should be there for him and I get that but it's not like our bedroom is so far away from our living room that I wouldn't hear him if he called me. I've tried to explain how I feel but it's difficult to verbalise without it hurting his feelings.

I’m at a loss to know how to deal with his attitude. I almost feel like I need to surreptitiously put in some ear plugs whilst he's exercising for some peace and quiet!