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Is she imagining it

(32 Posts)
nanaej Sun 06-Jan-13 20:33:55

Hmm... suggest either she keeps a diary for a week and then confronts him or she confronts him ans says she is NOT imagining it and whilst she does not want to live in his pocket she would like to share some time with him & unless he can give her a reason why he does not want to agree tea/dinner every day plus x & y doing something each week . Then she should join a few clubs /start new hobbies and get on without him unless you think
a) he is depressed in which case he needs help
b) he wants out of the which case your sister needs your support.

Does not sound happy whatever the cause. sad

cheelu Sun 06-Jan-13 20:19:08

She tried that yesterday at my suggestion and he sat with her for all of 10 minutes and then went off...

nanaej Sun 06-Jan-13 20:15:10

Could she ask him to come and sit with her to watch a particular TV programme or something? Then if he declined she could say that she misses sitting with him sometimes...and see what his response was??

cheelu Sun 06-Jan-13 19:54:19

But I have actually seen him do it myself

cheelu Sun 06-Jan-13 19:54:02

Yes she has asked him but he just denys it and says she is imagining it

Marelli Sun 06-Jan-13 19:46:46

Has she asked him why he's doing it, cheelu?

cheelu Sun 06-Jan-13 19:43:39

My sister just rang was upset saying Hubby keeps avoiding her by leaving the room the minute she walks into it, I am sure I have noticed him doing that a couple of times, He sits in the kitchen and if she goes in there for what ever reason he will get up and go in living room...