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Chaotic FaceTime sessions !

(30 Posts)
Cretin Sun 23-Mar-14 11:13:15

I have lived in greece for eleven years , and use FaceTime as a means of communication, I look forwards to receiving theses calls very much , they are few and far between sadly to say ....but after they have called off feel very sad frustrated , the calls consist of eldest daughter saying hello how are you at which time granddaughter aged seven puts her face into the screen shouting nanny nanny ! It's absolutely wonderful to receive such a welcome but daughter then passes over the iPad to granddaughter and that's it really ... I then speak to granddaughter who goes wandering off for minutes at an end to collect a book or something she has done at school .. And I end up staring at the ceiling whilst she goes .... It's all very lovely but .... I don't get to speak to my daughter ... It's all very chaotic ... I have tried going through the process of reading to her and her to me but she doesn't sit still at all ! Would love some one to one time Ihave suggested this that she call me when little one in bed but this hasn't happened ... I am overin England at least four times a year so we all look forwards to time together but I really feel so frustrated after the calls .... Anyone got suggestions ??

tiggypiro Mon 24-Mar-14 12:14:17

Thanks rockgran - I don't have any apple products so it's back to skype.

Purpledaffodil Tue 25-Mar-14 17:52:13

I also find FaceTime much better quality than Skype. My son is able to get 4G on the bus in Singapore and we occasionally have Facetime chats while he is on the way home from work. Who says men can't multitask?
I do agree with the downside of such conversations with children though. My brother and I used to try and Skype when his children were younger and it was never satisfactory for either of us!

ffinnochio Tue 25-Mar-14 18:16:47

Can't do FaceTime because I haven't an ipad/iphone, (nor the American lot) and even if I did there is no mobile signal in this village. So that would be a non-starter. I find 'google hangout' (gvid as I call it) much better than skype - Anyone who uses gmail has the option to use this facility.

BlueBelle Wed 26-Mar-14 06:45:25

I don't like skpe at all apart from the fact that either they are going to bed or getting ready for school with a 12 hour difference, it sometimes freezes, jerks and then I or them cant think what to say, add to that my ugly face looking back at myself.
When my other grandkids stay with me in the summer their mum insists on them skyping her it is the only time the youngest one gets upset as seeing her Mum starts her off, the 3 of them jostle for first place or something they ve forgotten to say and then my daughter has a brief snapshot of them either crying or fighting
Give me a normal phone call anytime, not ALL modern inventions are the bees knees