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BBbevan Mon 20-Aug-18 03:08:51

My GD is 12 and has serious BO. She showers every day and wears clean clothes. We have bought her deodorant but she, despite nagging , does not use it. Any suggestions would be welcome.

Jalima1108 Mon 20-Aug-18 11:34:41

especially putting anti-perspirant all over my face and head - a step too far methinks!

I do agree, though, that there could be a problem when the hormones start rising and I don't know what the best and safest products would be.

GabriellaG Mon 20-Aug-18 11:36:25

None of mine started puberty until they were older than 15 and in one 'child', 17, which mirrors my own experience and they're all normal me winkgrin They never had any problems with BO.
To my knowledge, none of them use deodorant, they and my GC just bathe properly.

grannytotwins Mon 20-Aug-18 11:41:35

My DGD is autistic. She refuses to wear deodorant to school. She’s partially sighted and bullied a lot. My DD has to apply it for her. It’s a daily battle.

grandtanteJE65 Mon 20-Aug-18 12:21:18

Someone at school WILL either tell her she stinks or go around talking about it behind her back. You know this as well as I do.

Could you and her mum turn this into an exciting part of growing up for her? Buy her not only a deodorant of her choice, but shower gel, more grown up underwear, the makeup her parents are prepared to let her use.

I remember how much my arm-pits and crotch smelled just before I started my periods, so check with her mum that they have talked about that - there are still girls who are scared to death when they get their first period, and others who knew about it, but are too embarrassed to mention it.

Do emphasise that smelling of perspiration is a natural part of being grown up, but even so, society expects us not to smell of sweat, desire or menstruation!

humptydumpty Mon 20-Aug-18 13:16:48

Gabriella you are very lucky, and I'd suggest unusual, if you and your children/grandchildren do not need to use deodorant - are you suggesting that the rest of us simply don't bathe properly???

muffinthemoo Mon 20-Aug-18 13:21:49

The Dove cream deodorant is very effective and also gentle. I react to a lot of deodorants and I’ve never had a problem with that. It is more effective if armpits are given a wee shave once a week.

It also sounds like either she’s not showering thoroughly or clothes are not being changed often enough. The rankness of BO smell is from stale sweat, not fresh.

I wasn’t allowed any deodorant growing up, only Dettol, so I feel for your gd so much.

humptydumpty Mon 20-Aug-18 13:23:38

Also, the armpits of her clothes may retain a residual smell of BO, which will get worse as she sweats when wearing them next time, especially if the fabric is not natural..

BBbevan Mon 20-Aug-18 13:53:42

grantante we have been together to buy Bath stuff etc. Also spent a fortune in Lush. Her Mum has bought her some lovely sets of bra and pants. She always says she has used her deodorant. But ,sadly, we know otherwise.

Liz46 Mon 20-Aug-18 14:31:08

I use a mineral stick which does not contain aluminium. My sense of smell is not good so I have made my OH promise to tell me if I offend. He says I am fine although I do have a thorough shower every morning.

stella1949 Mon 20-Aug-18 14:32:02

I'd approach this very bluntly by saying that you know she isn't using the deodorant, because she still smells bad. Highlight to her that girls with bad body odour can end up being bullied by others. Remind her that you love her and want her to be happy, not the miserable butt of nasty comments at school. It's sad but true that body odour can spoil kids lives at a very vulnerable time. Good luck.

GabriellaG Mon 20-Aug-18 15:25:35

No, I certainly wasn't. I'm outspoken enough to actually say what I mean, so it wasn't an oblique reference to GNers, however, some GNers have mentioned that their GC have been sparing in their ablutions, not washing properly all over. My comment was picking up on that point. Not all children have BO pre/post puberty.

Juggernaut Mon 20-Aug-18 15:39:30

You think you're outspoken, I think you're rude!

jocork Mon 20-Aug-18 15:41:05

I work in schools and a few years ago worked in an all girls secondary school. One of the teachers decided to give the girls a talk about personal hygiene, as walking down an enclosed corridor in the summer had become a very unpleasant experience. The frank talk from that teacher did improve things a bit.
I'm now in a mixed sex school and usually find it's the boys whose BO tends to knock you out as they pass. We have to discourage the use of deodorant sprays as they can cause asthma attacks, and generally it is more of a problem stopping them overusing deodorants than getting them to use them at all. However there are still a few people who say antiperspirants are harmful, but as long as use is confined to the underarms there should be no problem.
I too am in need of a solution to sweating all over my head - the last few hot weeks have been torture. At least there isn't a problem with smell, but as my hair is thinning it separates when wet and shows a lot of scalp. Any suggestions? I can't imagine spraying my whole head with deodorant, and goodness knows what that would do to my hair!

Jalima1108 Mon 20-Aug-18 15:44:15

She always says she has used her deodorant. But ,sadly, we know otherwise.
Perhaps she is, though; as others have said, at puberty bodily smells can be more pungent. Perhaps it just isn't the right product for her.

some GNers have mentioned that their GC have been sparing in their ablutions, not washing properly all over.
If you mean me and a very long-ago tale- then I was not referring to my GC who are kept very clean by their mothers.

Jalima1108 Mon 20-Aug-18 15:45:00

I don't have any suggestions for the 'hot head' jocork - even the GP was no help whatsoever.

muffinthemoo Mon 20-Aug-18 15:57:17

Has she said if the deodorant she’s got is making her skin sore? Just in case that’s why she’s bodyswerving using it.

I remember having the most awful reaction to one a friend gave me. Impulse Vanilla. I’m itching even thinking about it now sad

It’s worth ruling that out.

MissAdventure Mon 20-Aug-18 16:00:47

I think I would stand over her and make sure she applies the deodorant.

Jalima1108 Mon 20-Aug-18 16:05:17

Here's a link to deodorants for younger people which are free from aluminium and parabens but supposedly effective:

Jalima1108 Mon 20-Aug-18 16:05:55

there will be other, similar, brands available, I have no connection to the above brand.

Grandma70s Mon 20-Aug-18 16:11:00

In the early 1950s we got a lecture about it at school to the whole class, when we were about 13. Probably a bit late for some, but I was already using deodorant by that age, having a sensible mother. I don't remember anyone being smelly after that. Nobody wanted to be unattractive.

I just told my elder son when it was time to use deodorant, and he did so. I don’t remember it being an issue with my younger boy. He was very conscious of his image and probably just used his brother’s stuff.

I have a friend whose husband has never used deodorant, and I can honestly say he doesn’t smell.

Telly Mon 20-Aug-18 16:43:07

Well someone is going to tell her she actually smells so it might as well be you. Blunt talking as has been described by other posters, if she can't take a gentle hint. She needs to wash properly or she will be the one the others talk about and someone will tell her. Less painful if it comes from you.

gillybob Mon 20-Aug-18 16:54:47

Valorie Schaefer
The Care and Keeping of You (Revised): The Body Book for Younger Girls.

This is a very good book aimed at girls your granddaughters age OP ( sorry can’t renember who started the thread and I’m on my phone so I can’t see ) . I think it’s around £8 from Amazon . You could make her a little toilet bag “ gift “ up with some nice deodorant, body wash , a body puff and a book like this perhaps ? smile

MissAdventure Mon 20-Aug-18 16:57:14

Oh, that's a nice suggestion. smile

BBbevan Mon 20-Aug-18 17:37:56

Thanks for that suggestion gillybob I will look into that.

gillybob Mon 20-Aug-18 17:42:50

Sorry BBevan to see the OP on my phone I have to go in and out again. smile