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What's for lunch and dinner today?

(299 Posts)
Riverwalk Sat 08-Jan-22 12:23:48

I've not long had breakfast but it was very meagre - a bit of granola and yoghurt. I'm quite well stocked with goodies but can't decide what to have and need some inspiration.

What are your eating plans for the day?

Redhead56 Fri 28-Jan-22 12:50:18

Just a poached egg for lunch I just tempura battered loin of pork. Made a veg sweet and sour sauce and a home fried rice for tea. Coconut yoghurt with pineapple for afters.

Grandmadinosaur Fri 28-Jan-22 16:18:46


Cheese and biscuits for lunch , but only because we were at a lovely farm shop at the weekend. Friday is chippy tea, which I love because no thought or effort is involved. I hate making sandwiches so, much to my shame, I have instant pot noodly type things for work lunch. I don't mind cooking. But it's the endless deciding what to make that I loathe. When you are a child and desperate to grow up, no one tells you that being an adult means that you will spend the rest of your life thinking " what can I cook for tea?" ( Or dinner if you are posher!)

I feel exactly the same. Wish I was married to a man who looked to cook ?

Riverwalk Fri 28-Jan-22 16:23:35


We pushed the boat out this morning. Fresh from the sea. Now to prepare for later.

Moules frites Josieann? Save some for me! Did you literally push the boat out?

Lunch was chicken traybake from the freezer and tonight will be odds & sods from the fridge.

Mapleleaf Fri 28-Jan-22 16:56:53

Today, lunch was home made vegetable soup, followed by a turkey sandwich and dinner will be beef stew and dumplings followed by fruit crumble. The stew is looking after itself in the slow cooker, and I’ll add the dumplings later, and the crumble is the half left over from what I made yesterday, so it’s a relatively easy meal tonight.

Maggiemaybe Sat 29-Jan-22 00:11:14

Homemade tomato soup for lunch, pasta with bacon and mushrooms for tea. As usual, loads of fruit in and amongst. Including a mango, as we got a dozen of them for £2 at the market yesterday (as well as two pounds of plums for £1). I love our local markets.

rubysong Sat 29-Jan-22 09:41:35

Home made soup for lunch (that seems popular with Grans). For tea/dinner/supper/whatever you want to call it we will be having chilli and rice. Yesterday I made 'sort of' moussaka
As I had some diced lamb and found an aubergine in the cupboard, which DH bought last week, when it was his turn to cook, and forgot about. It was delicious and I will be doing it again.

BBbevan Sat 29-Jan-22 10:28:52

Just made ‘end of week soup ‘ Turned out quite nice, so that and toast for lunch. Thai green curry tonight

Kate1949 Sat 29-Jan-22 13:52:43

A boiled egg for breakfast.
Beans on toast (one slice of bread) for lunch.
Something light for tea as I am punishing myself. We rarely have takeaways but last night we had chick curry, prawn curry, chips and rice. I am ashamed of how much I ate blush

Kate1949 Sat 29-Jan-22 13:57:36

Chicken curry

kittylester Sat 29-Jan-22 14:12:49

Full English for brunch - Well DH has the lot I had sausages and mushrooms.

Sainsbury's barbecued beef ribs and sweet potato fries for supper - DH is cooking!

Witzend Sat 29-Jan-22 14:21:44

Yesterday dinner was a substantial soup, with lots of veg, some orzo pasta and the last bits of a roast chicken, all in stock from the carcass.

Tonight, toad in the hole with spring greens and onion gravy. I’m hoping the batter will puff up nicely for once. It never has before, but apparently that’s because I’ve used SR flour instead of plain. So ?. Though luckily dh will eat it without complaint however it turns out. Which is just one reason I’ve never felt like trading him in.

Maggiemaybe Sat 29-Jan-22 14:27:27

It’s a good job I absolutely love fresh crab. DH intended to buy one this morning to try out a new recipe for crab and prosecco linguine this evening. They looked so good he bought two, so we had one in sandwiches for lunch. smile

Ladyleftfieldlover Sat 29-Jan-22 15:01:23

Usual breakfast of banana, tea, pineapple juice, marmalade toast and muesli.
Lunch was mackerel on toast with chopped parsley and a squeeze of lemon juice. Followed by a scoop of homemade raspberry ice cream.
For dinner I’m cooking a Diane Henry recipe which I’ve made a few times before: chicken cooked in milk, lemon zest, bay leaves, nutmeg and garlic. Served with pilaf and roasted carrots.

Redhead56 Sat 29-Jan-22 18:03:00

I made easy Spanish garlic soup thanks to Rick Stein for lunch. It's Chinese meal tonight courtesy of the takeout.

Maggiemaybe Sun 30-Jan-22 17:27:52

Spicy chicken bake for tea, I’m told. Lunch was a quick snack between appointments, so soup (Sainsbury’s tomato this time).

EllanVannin Sun 30-Jan-22 17:46:23

The usual " mountain " grin Roast beef, pots, parsnips carrots and turnip, Yorkshire puds ( 3 ) and horseradish sauce. Just going to have stewed apples and custard and have made bananas and custard for tomorrow , in the 'fridge.

The Lord be praised
My belly's raised an inch above the table
And I'll be damned if I ain't crammed
As full as I am able.

Redhead56 Sun 30-Jan-22 19:18:17

Toasted cheese roll for lunch. Home made steak kidney and mushroom pie. Home made mixed fruit pie with custard for tea.

BBbevan Mon 31-Jan-22 13:49:04

Hummus plus cheese, celery, tomatoes, cucumber and 2 water biscuits. Plus a banana and a satsuma, for lunch.

Cottage pie for dinner.

Riverwalk Mon 31-Jan-22 13:53:10

Stir-fry with veg, beansprouts and leftover lamb for lunch.

Tonight will be spinach & chickpea curry from the freezer.

Grandmadinosaur Mon 31-Jan-22 15:45:02

Boiled eggs and pikelets for lunch.

Pork with stir fry veg and rice. Fresh fruit after.

Baggs Mon 31-Jan-22 15:51:49

My usual cheese/ham/salad wrap for lunch. Homemade Scotch Broth and homemade 70% wholemeal rolls for dinner.

Baggs Mon 31-Jan-22 15:52:14

Except I made the broth with venison, not lamb.

Redhead56 Mon 31-Jan-22 17:02:02

One toast with Marmite for lunch and a yoghurt. Cod with green lentils and red wine sauce another Stein recipe love it.

Maggiemaybe Mon 31-Jan-22 18:28:52

Very much not homemade Supernoodles for lunch blush, but roast salmon and beetroot pasta with a walnut, pesto and rocket dressing for tea. I’m so full, and I’ll be resisting the supper at our pub quiz tonight.

Mapleleaf Mon 31-Jan-22 19:56:04

Turkey sandwich for lunch, omelette & chips followed by blueberries for dinner.