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Heard my name called

(105 Posts)
TrendyNannie6 Sat 29-Feb-20 10:40:57

After Both my parents died, and quite a few years between both of their passings, I distinctly heard them call my name, my dad did within the first week, and my mum did few days after she’d passed, I will also add I definately was NOT dreaming and it was in the early hours, Anyone Else experienced this

polnan Sun 01-Mar-20 15:17:34

my mum died nearly 50 years ago now.

I have heard her call my name, not recently though

but now, I sort of "know/feel/sense" use what human/physical words you will, but I feel my mum sort of guiding me, not telling me what to do, but I know she is watching over me.

now my dh died, very recently, I have "sensed" him here , not when I was sleeping either, as some sceptics would say,, my friend, who was close to both of us, has also sensed him sitting in the chair....... so it isn`t just me...

our youngest son, to whom my dh was very close, was the first person to get to the hospital after we had been told that my dh had died suddenly and unexpectedly... he sat with his dad`s body for over half an hour... his dad was with him, peace and closeness .. calm and beautiful time they both had together before I arrived with our older son and dil.

Jane10 Sun 01-Mar-20 15:28:59

Once my neice, just after her second birthday, was in the back seat of my parked car as we waited outside a shop. I noticed she was smiling and waving out of the window. I asked her who she was waving at and she answered, 'My daddy'. She was very happy.
He had been killed in a climbing accident two days before.

spabbygirl Sun 01-Mar-20 15:43:33

what lovely stories, all true I'm sure. Its great that you are sensitive to others needs, Trendynannie6. & your experiences are so intriguing! I'd love to hear them.

Seefah Sun 01-Mar-20 16:39:28

After my dad passed my mum and me were devastated. Pushing ourselves to go out we ended up at a psychic fair. As I was walking past a tent a woman called out and said a man close to you who’s passed wants me to tell you he can do much more for you from where he is now than ever he could before. She then went back to her customer.
Several years later , two days before my baby was born unexpectedly and a month prematurely ( I was excited thinking it was a boy) my father came in a dream and said it’s a girl but don’t worry you will be thrilled, and I was. I was glad of those two days to adjust to the idea.
Also when I gave birth my mother who was alive had terrible period pains ( after menopause) so bad she went to bed. Then it dawned on her I might be giving birth early.
40 days after my grandmother passed I had a dream of a couple smiling and talking about me from across a room. Eventually I realised it was my granny aged 30. I went to go to her but she stopped me. Then I heard her say look how young I am and happy with your GF. My grandfather looked thrilled to see me. I never met him because he passed. It was as if she wanted him to see me.
Sometimes I hear my daughter call my Amr so I ring her.
If I think about my mother I get a text soon after. If I think about her I often get a text too.
I don’t think it’s unusual in Scotland.

MamaCaz Sun 01-Mar-20 17:10:28

My nicest experience happened when visiting my mum a month or do after my dad died.
I sat down in the armchair that he most used, and felt the most incredible, warm sensation, as if I was being a big hug. It was so comforting.

Even though logic tells me that it could have been nothing more than my imagination, I still get a happy feeling when I recall it. smile

lynneg Sun 01-Mar-20 18:05:58

My brother was in the army and abroad in the Far East where he contacted Lymes Disease and was seriously ill and in a coma. We knew nothing of this, but one morning my mother said she woke during the night to hear him calling her name and there was knocking at the front door. So much so she got up out of bed to open it. Thankfully he recovered but it was a few days before we were told he had been in a coma.

starbird Sun 01-Mar-20 18:30:47

No voice but several months after my mother died I was trying on a dress in a changing room, and as I looked at my face in the mirror I saw my mothers’s eyes smiling at me.
I bought the dress and it was my favourite item of clothing for many years.

Seefah Sun 01-Mar-20 18:30:59

I love reading all these stories - I find it very comforting - so thank you everyone for sharing .

Taichinan Sun 01-Mar-20 19:23:44

I've had many wonderful experiences which were a huge comfort at times when I really needed them. One was a dream which included something to do with a mobile phone, in which my late husband, who had been killed in a road accident said "Don't worry about me - I'm fine. And you and anyway, you and I don't need a mobile phone to keep in touch". He also came and stood beside me in church but when I turned towards him he vanished. And then many years later after my partner died he came and seemed to enfold me in grey wings and said "That's me away now". I truly believe something of us lives on after death.

GreenGran78 Sun 01-Mar-20 19:35:32

My sister was born in the ‘front parlour’ at home in 1946. Obviously no-one had phones, so news had to be passed via the post.
Next morning Mum was lying in bed when she saw her mother walk in, study the baby lying in her cot, and walk out of the room. Gran lived 20 miles away, and was in excellent health.
The following day my uncle arrived. As soon as she saw him my mother said, “Mum’s dead, isn’t she?” Gran had died suddenly around the time that she had appeared, to see her new grandchild. My Mum was the most down-to-earth person, but stood by what she had seen, for the rest of her life.

MissAdventure Sun 01-Mar-20 19:36:53

You've not upset me, TrendyNannie.

Its a lovely thread, and gives me a little bit of hope that it might happen to me, too. smile

TrendyNannie6 Sun 01-Mar-20 19:55:42

And I truly hope it does for you MissAdventure?

MissAdventure Sun 01-Mar-20 23:04:09

I'm watching 24 hours in A & E, and a man is speaking about the death of his son, and how he heard his voice say "Dad! Its ok, I'm alright".

hollysteers Mon 02-Mar-20 00:48:10

After my husband died I “saw” something shadowy downstairs which frightened me, although I so wanted to see him and still do. I have heard my name called, but don’t know who it might be. I also have tinnitus!
I wake up so many mornings after dreaming I am with my husband or my mother and find it a comfort to think we probably spend hours with them in dreams but only know of it just before we wake. It reminds me of the lovely Roy Orbison song “In dreams”

Joplin Mon 02-Mar-20 03:35:41

Now I'm quite scared my mother might suddenly appear, although I think it's unlikely ( long time ago ). She was the cruelest person I have ever known & I've never really got over the things she did & said - I get many flashbacks & have to make a big effort to concentrate on something else. Those of you who have nice memories are very lucky.

Purplepoppies Mon 02-Mar-20 07:18:09

I had a strange dream about my daughters father (ex) being in a hospital bed. Very real to me. I told her. Sadly she didn't contact him. He died a few months later.
When she went to organise his funeral she stayed in his house. On the first night she woke up to him shouting her name. Like she was getting told off as a child again. It frightened her. And upset her in equal measures. They had a difficult relationship. I am sad for her that she didn't get to say what she wanted to say and especially that she didn't make it in time to say goodbye ?

Guineagirl Mon 02-Mar-20 07:20:05

Trendienannie that must of been a comfort to you. I know there are sceptics about this sort of thing but I don’t see how anyone unless they do die and come to life say these things don’t happen. I don’t find as many now but when my Mam died I found a lot of white feathers one on the roof of my car the week I bought it which was in the garage at the time and one next to my bike. I believe in the feathers.

When my Mam was dying she was calling my Dads name Mam had dementia and she couldn’t really remember his name but she called it quite loudly a few times before she died.

Has anyone watched or read the Lovely Bones?

Yogagirl Mon 02-Mar-20 08:05:13

My youngest daughter & I were always telephathic , Kryptonite She had just moved out and needed to speak to the doctor about something but never phoned them for an app. So a week later I phoned them and the receptionist said ' you'll never guess who's on the other phone, asking the same thing as you, your daughter!' We had lot's of situations like that, so making it so hard when she estranged herself 7yrs ago. A few weeks after the estrangement I heard my granddaughter calling me sad we were very, very close.

I can remember my mum & dad's voices, clear as a bell & their laughs. When my dad passed away, I was with him in the hospital, they said it was just an infection, but would keep him in for observation over night. When I left he said ^ thanks D, [pause] thanks for every you've done^ which I thought was more than needed. Next day when I phoned, they told me he had passed away [they only had my brothers no. his ph was off] So I think my dad knew he was going, contary to the Doctors.

Yogagirl Mon 02-Mar-20 08:21:50

It was; thanks D, thanks for everything [pause] thanks for everything you've done

3dognight Mon 02-Mar-20 08:50:55

A friend of the family whose mum and dad passed within six months of each other, when she was a young single mum, told me this of her father: he used to visit regularly and sit in the armchair, the last time he came his hair was very long and tied up with something like chop sticks keeping it in place, he was wearing white robes, and told her he would not be able to visit any more as he was going to a place where there are many doors. I think that was the last time she saw him.

Patticake123 Mon 02-Mar-20 09:18:51

My darling Dad came into my bedroom, sat on the bed, put his arms around me and told me to look after Mum. He had been cremated a fortnight before. I then had a vivid ‘dream ‘about him where he was in a beautiful garden , leaning on a spade with the loveliest smile on his face. He handed me a bunch of flowers , reassured me he was alright and that Mum would be joining him. The next day my lovely Mum died. As far as I’m aware I’m completely sane. These happenings were comforting not at all frightening and whatever anyone else thinks, I think it was my Dad helping me.

glammanana Mon 02-Mar-20 10:29:12

When we where leaving the Chapel after the service for my darling husband came on the radio in our car it was Woman by John Lennon one of my John's favourite songs I have heard it so many times since then brings tears to my eyes every time.
We had so many special songs and I can remember where we where for every one.

Grannyhall29 Mon 02-Mar-20 13:02:11

Yes I've had this a few times, Dad
and Mam died 15/10 years ago, wakes me up and makes me jump, as I have heart trouble I wonder if something is happening and they shout my name to bring me round but no idea why I hear it really

madmum38 Mon 02-Mar-20 15:43:59

My daughter had got up in the night and gone into the bathroom to be sick, I hadn’t heard her get up though, she is 17 and never knew any grandparent. Next morning she thanked me for having talked to her while she was vomiting, I told her I hadn’t but asked what was said. The words spoken and the way they were spoken was as my mum used to talk to me. Often hear and see things in my home though so not surprised

Fibrogran59 Mon 02-Mar-20 17:26:12

Many years ago, when i was 15, my father had a massive heart attack and was dead before he even hit the floor. A few days after he passed, i was at home walking upstairs to my room when i heard him call my name. I never heard him since. The night before he died, we had fallen out with each other. I wonder if he was trying to tell me that everything was alright between us again. I will never know now.