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#losing the plot

(87 Posts)
rubylady Wed 04-Jan-17 20:57:43

I am going to have my DS call the men in the white van! I went to purchase some soya capsules, to help with these menopause symptoms. I was sure I already had done so, so looked for the packet. No, nowhere to be seen. None in my drawer, none in the cupboard, none on the table. Oh well, I'll get some then. Not cheap, not expensive but money better spent if already got some, obviously.

Packet came yesterday, yippee, took a couple, over the day, ok. Then, just now, coming back in from the kitchen, a packet of the very same capsules sitting on my tea trolley! Why hadn't I seen it? So, 120 capsules now to get through! hmm

I do this all the time, especially with dvd's and cd's. I buy them, thinking I haven't got them and then I find out (usually from a laughing DS) that I already had a copy.

Do other people buy replicas and then find the original? Or am I really going to the dogs? confused

Sheilasue Thu 05-Jan-17 20:00:49

So nice to know I am not the only one.

Welshwife Thu 05-Jan-17 20:35:11

My French friend, who lives near Meaux, shops at a hyper-Carrefour and the car park is so huge that she now parks a good way from the shop in the same row and letter number each time as twice she has lost her car and needed to phone her husband to come and drive round the car park to find it!
I love seeing her as we can still be as daft as when we first met when we were both 16.

annodomini Thu 05-Jan-17 20:36:17

The cupboard under the sink is the hiding place for duplicate purchases. For some unknown reason, I have a large collection of multi-surface cleaners. Perhaps I should make an effort to use them up!

Maggiemaybe Thu 05-Jan-17 20:42:59

We went to see The Who at an open-air venue about 10 years ago. You could tell we were at the older end of the age spectrum when we got out to the acres of carpark and realised we hadn't made a note of where we'd parked. We just had to hang around with everyone driving past us until there was just a handful of cars left. Luckily we'd taken our old people folding chairs with us and blankets to drape over our knees blush

Charleygirl Thu 05-Jan-17 21:05:12

anno I went to a certain upmarket supermarket today which was selling loads of items at half price. I saw a cleaner and thought that it would be good to try this one in the kitchen. Bought it and when I got home discovered I had bought the same ages ago and have been merrily using it for a week or two.

NanKate there are so many of us that we would need a small town I think.

lujaha Thu 05-Jan-17 22:08:53

Jalima I think so. But it was a very long time ago !confused

BlueBelle Thu 05-Jan-17 23:56:19

When I was working I used to interview the general public there was no receptionist I used to open the door to a small seating area and invite the person into my room Because I could NOT remember the many different faces and names and not wanting to look stupid I devised a method where I just opened the door and called the name without looking up then said person would identify themselves by getting up All went well until one day I did just that, opened the door and called out 'Steve',, Steve trotted into my room with me thinking, I can't remember this guy at all we talked for a good five minutes with me feeling more and more panicky as I didn't recognise anything he was saying , then a colleague knocked on my door and said I think you ve got my client ...yes you ve got it there were two Steves in the waiting room

grannyqueenie Fri 06-Jan-17 00:40:44

Once upon a time I was that person who remembered everyone's names and never forgot a face, people would compliment me on it! Then came the menopause and later a move to a completly different part of the country where everyone I met was new. I volunteer helping to run drop in groups for young families, no way can I remember these young women's names for more than a nanosecond. By the time I've reached the kitchen a few yards away I can't remember if it was tea or coffee they asked for. The only saving grace is that my fellow volunteers, who are of a similar age, are as bad as I am!

Madmeg Fri 06-Jan-17 00:57:13

Have just been into kitchen to tell hubby some of your stories and he nodded in agreement. My sides are splitting with laughter - thanks for a good evening in like company!

ggmarion Fri 06-Jan-17 12:16:03

This post has cheered me up no end. I recently went to my annual treat - an Andre Rieu concert. All dolled up and feeling quite presentable. Only to find when removing earrings I had worn two different ones!

annodomini Fri 06-Jan-17 13:03:30

Which reminds me, ggmarion of the time we went to a cricket match at Trent Bridge. My exH and DSs kept telling me I was wearing odd earrings and I was so used to them playing silly tricks on me that I just didn't believe them. But then I went to the Ladies and looked in the mirror and there they were - one dark green and the other dark blue. blush