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Things I have learned of late

(42 Posts)
Gwiz5 Wed 22-Apr-20 20:33:22

Evening all
It’s now no longer weird to ask Siri what day is it

Getting emails from easyJet saying ‘ picture yourself here ‘ is not at all helpful and a little bit mean Stavros.

Being afraid to try on clothes that did fit 3 weeks ago is not over the top.

Staying in in is the new out out.

???And in health news???

Shopping at Waitrose or M+S does NOT afford immunity from the virus OR as is currently thought exemption from following the rules regarding staying indoors/ not meeting for a delicious gluten/dairy/nut/meat free feast with Ethel and her 5 kids and her nanny and timmy the teacup dog.

Research done by A university for real people also now confirms that having a plummy accent and coming from ‘ anywhere that starts with ‘ North daaaahling ‘ Affords NO immunity what so ever. It does however lead to being more of an idiot.


I’m pleased to say that my menopause bitch level has been downgraded - mostly due to the rise of that bitch Carole Fkcin Baskin

Stay safe , stay well , stay indoors.

Callistemon Thu 23-Apr-20 16:09:58

Is it just me who is confused?

The only bits I understand so far are Waitrose, teabag, foodbank university and Chipping Norton (my ancestral home).
Actually, that is quite a lot.

Is my accent plummy?
I would have to let others decide!

Nanna58 Thu 23-Apr-20 16:31:48

I have learned that if you don’t clean behind your wardrobes for years the skirting board there will grow more fur than your dog!! ?

DanniRae Thu 23-Apr-20 16:40:06

Oh Nanna58 who cleans behind their wardrobes? Not me for sure! shock

GrannyGravy13 Thu 23-Apr-20 17:19:40

The secret to never having to clean behind your wardrobe is to invest in fitted ones ???

Barmeyoldbat Thu 23-Apr-20 19:23:01

Or have no wardrobes and be a teenager, chuck them on the floor.What have I learnt being on lockdown, number 1 is being a slob is not so bad after all. Somehow I have lost a little bit of weight and as for coffee bags, well I think that is very upmarket.

dorcas1950 Thu 23-Apr-20 19:39:20

Some other Oxfordshire girls here!

Nanna58 Thu 23-Apr-20 20:44:40

Dannirae, I can assure you I never did before we were incarcerated!!

Mollygo Thu 23-Apr-20 21:35:52

I have learnt that even my feather duster won’t clean right the way down behind the radiators.
That stilts cable-tied to the sides of my small step ladders make me feel secure enough to paint the ceiling.
That being able to have a lie in every day isn’t as good as I thought it would be, getting up early is better.
Then finally, that I’d never heard of Carole Baskin and am unlikely to even Google her to find out.

Grammaretto Thu 23-Apr-20 22:14:51

I was hoping to learn something on this thread. I'm mega disappointed.

I have learned how to send small parcels from home. I pay online, print labels and pop in the post box saving a trip to the post office seeing as I can't go out.

SaraC Fri 24-Apr-20 12:07:05

.... love the idea that TripAdvisor’s top travel destination is the fridge!! More exotic contents perhaps?

Marmight Fri 24-Apr-20 12:35:30

I have learnt :
That I like coffee. Why? I never drink it confused Have to have a strong black each morning
That tidying up is a total waste of time. The dining table/desk is just as messy 24 hours later
That planting seeds too is a total waste of time; buying/begging plants from neighbours is more successful
That my daughters are really concerned about me Ive just received a 3rd amazing food parcel full of goodies ?
(I have a plummy accent, live in the Cotswolds , my village is double barrelled (but doesn’t involve North or South) & I never set foot in my local Waitrose- can’t bear the clientele. I stick to Aldi, far friendlier ?)

Evie64 Sat 25-Apr-20 02:19:18

Waitrose, M&S dwarling! No, sorry, refuse to pay twice the price for the same stuff. Aldi all the way to the bank for me thanks grin

Lucca Sat 25-Apr-20 07:30:23

Barmeyoldbat. It’s called a floordrobe.

Puzzler61 Sat 25-Apr-20 07:40:57

AGAA4 Love your comment about the fridge. Made me chuckle. We all need to laugh more in these trying times. (Also
I’ve never cleaned my ‘fridge so much in all the years I’ve been marrie (42yrs). Well got to do something with all the antibacterial wipes and sprays I’ve accumulated ?

kittylester Sat 25-Apr-20 09:23:34

grannygravy - not true!!

We have fitted wardrobes that run back into the eaves. We recently got to the back of ours and it was filthy! grin

Witzend Sat 25-Apr-20 09:50:06

Dh is suddenly very keen on doing the food shop. That’s because he does it in the M&S food dept., because it’s now so easy to park and much quieter than Asda (where I always did most of it day to day.)

Nothing of course to do with the fact that he goes round picking up all manner of M&S-special snacks and nibbles that I wouldn’t usually buy even at rather less ££ in Asda.